
  • 网络world wind;worldwind
  1. 面对竞争激烈的移动通信市场,3G牌照的发放,陕西联通公司制订怎样的世界风营销策略,才能实现2009年世界风业务经营目标。

    Facing the fierce competition in the mobile communication market , and the issuance of 3G license , Shaanxi Unicom has to think about the appropriate marketing strategy for World Wind to make the operating objective come true .

  2. 近几年来,世界风电产业蓬勃发展。

    In recent years , the world wind power getting great development .

  3. 该文简介当今世界风电的发展水平、发展规划、减少CO2的效果及面临的课题等。

    The paper provides a short review of the current state of wind power generation and its planned development , the effect on CO 2 reduction and the problems to be faced .

  4. 中国联通一直走着低调路线,世界风是中国联通的独门秘笈。

    China unicom has been walking routes , the wind is low-key .

  5. 联通双模服务,兴起世界风

    Unicom 's Double Mode Service Rise the world wind

  6. 在大型风电机组技术方面,仍与世界风电大国存在差距。

    In large wind turbine technology , there is still a gap with others .

  7. 非并网风电与世界风电产业的多元化发展

    Non - grid - connected wind power & diversified development of wind - power industry

  8. 近年来,全球风电迅猛发展,我国已成为世界风电新增装机容量第一的国家。

    In recent years , China has become the wind first state of the new installed capacity .

  9. 从现在开始,‘世界风’所针对的是一个客户群体,而不是哪一种产品。

    From now on ," world wind " is facing a specific target group instead of any product alone .

  10. 中国也随着世界风电产业的发展,大力推进以风能为代表的可再生能源产业的发展。

    China is also vigorously promoting the development of wind power as a representative of the renewable energy industry development .

  11. 他还在“世界风杯”中国高尔夫职业-业余配对锦标赛中取得了第36名,这场在北京举行的比赛并不属于中巡赛。

    He also finished36th in the " International Wind Cup " China Pro-Am , a Beijing tournament not affiliated with the China Tour .

  12. 这片苍莽的世界风清气爽,气候酷烈,强硬的大路笔直地通向远方。

    The wind was pure and the air refreshing in this boundless world ; the weather was cruel , and the solid high ways stretched straight into the distance .

  13. 为此,陕西联通公司需要针对世界风业务进行重新市场细分与定位,调整产品营销策略,以提高世界风产品的核心竞争力。

    Thus , focusing on World Wind , Shaanxi Unicom need to redo the market segmentation and positioning , and adjust the marketing strategies , so as to improve the core competence of World Wind .

  14. 金融危机对全球各个经济领域的影响仍在继续“深入”,但这并没有影响世界风电巨头维斯塔斯对中国的投资热情。

    " Vestas will continue to expand its investment in China which will reach RMB3 billion yuan this year . " The financial crisis does not hit this wind power giant 's investment enthusiasm in China .

  15. 如今,下击暴流作为高耸构筑物破坏(特别是输电塔倒塔)的一个重要天气原因,已经引起了世界风工程领域的广泛关注和研究。

    Today , the downburst regarded as one important weather reason for destruction of tall buildings ( especially for damage of transmission tower ), has aroused world wide attention and research in the field of wind engineering .

  16. 希望在5月1日到10月31日期间,在场的各位及更多的英国朋友有机会去参观世博会,去领略上海韵,感受中国情,体验世界风!

    I hope that between now and the 31 October , you will have the chance to visit the Expo , to get to know Shanghai , get a taste of China and know more about the world .

  17. 虽然世界风拥有极具创新的技术优势,但这并不能保证它一定会得到市场的认可,要得到市场的认可,营销策略是否运用得当也至关重要。

    Although " World Wind " takes the advantage of innovative technology , it is still a problem for it to be recognized by the market . In terms of acquiring excellent market shares , it is rather important to have good marketing strategies .

  18. 2005年世界各国风电发展回顾

    The Global Wind Energy Review in 2005

  19. 随着世界各国风电机组装机规模的迅速膨胀,主流风电机组机型的单机容量也在不断增大。

    With the rapid development of the installation scale of wind turbine generators in countries all over the world , mainstream single-unit wind turbine rated power is increasing continuously .

  20. 随着世界各地风场装机容量的不断扩大,如何最大程度地利用风能、提高风能转换效率已经成为风力发电技术研究的重要内容之一。

    With the wind turbine capacity increasing , improving the operating efficiency and increasing the conversion rate of wind energy have become an important part of research in wind power technology .

  21. 该线和南极洲之间分布着一些小岛,但是,这里的海域被水手们称为狂啸的60度,因为这里障碍物很少,阻挡不了世界环风。

    There are a number of small islands between this line and the Antarctic continent , but the waters here are known to mariners as the screaming Sixties because there is so little obstruction to the world-circling winds .

  22. 随后,载着你的冥流,也将载我离去,黑夜、世界和风,循入它们的命运,失去了你,我只是你的梦幻,只是这样。

    After , following the folding water that you carry , that carries me away . The night , the world , the wind spin out their destiny . Without you , I am your dream , only that , and that is all .

  23. 风电并网是目前世界上大规模风电场的唯一应用模式。

    In-grid wind power is the only mode for large-scale wind power use .

  24. 这种发展形式被2003年大面积的旱灾和世界性卷风的出现所阻碍了。

    Growth was held back in2003 by extensive drought and the gradual winding down of the international presence .

  25. 经过30多年的发展,世界各国的风电价格水平有很大差距。

    After more than 30 years development , the level of wind power tariff in various countries has very big disparity .

  26. 从此全世界转型之风方兴未艾。美国也一贯支持变革的力量。

    And since then , the world has been captivated by the transformation thats taken place , and the United States has supported the forces of change .

  27. 安西县是世界闻名的风库,年平均风速大于3.5米/秒。

    Lat.40 ° - 45 ° . An-xi county , world-famous " wind Storehouse " , possesses an annual averge wind speed greater than 3.5 meter per second .

  28. 老龙:加洛德·影歌会在《魔兽世界:怒风》里出场么?官网百科说他离开了德鲁依并且在也没有出现过。

    Medievaldragon : Will there be a cameo of Jarod Shadowsong in World of Warcraft : Stormrage ? The official website 's encyclopedia says he departed the druids and was never seen again .

  29. 随着世界各国对风电产业的大力支持和研究,风力发电技术得到了迅猛发展,装机容量大大增加。

    Nowadays , more and more countries support and develop their own wind power industry with great efforts , so there have been rapid advances in wind power technology , causing a considerable increase in the capacity of wind turbine installation .

  30. 近年来,我国风电产业发展非常迅猛,每年新增装机容量和累计装机容量均居世界第一,风电已成为我国能源生产的重要组成部分。

    In recent years , wind power industry is growing very fast in China . Both annual increase of installed capacity and total installed capacity rank first in the world , and wind power has become an important part of energy production in our country .