
  • 网络WFP;World Food Program;united nations world food programme;the World Food Programme
  1. 预计今年将有更多人需要世界粮食计划署的帮助。

    More people are expected to need the WFP 's help this year .

  2. 并鼓励捐赠者把钱交给世界粮食计划署。

    And for donors to give money to the WFP , Mr O'Brien said .

  3. 在此之前,北约军舰护送了世界粮食计划署(worldfoodprogramme)的船舶。

    This follows the sending by NATO of ships to accompany World Food Programme vessels .

  4. 联合国救援机构世界粮食计划署(WorldFoodProgram)已经准备在非洲开展更大规模的行动,并呼吁大家捐款。

    The World Food Program , a United Nations relief agency , is already preparing for larger operations across Africa , and appealing for donations .

  5. 联合国世界粮食计划署(WorldFoodProgramme)正在削减食品配额,并停止一些项目,原因是各捐赠国在国内财政预算吃紧之际,大幅削减了对该机构的捐款。

    The United Nations ' World Food Programme is cutting food aid rations and shutting down some operations as donor countries that face a fiscal crunch at home slash contributions to its funding .

  6. 世界粮食计划署副执行干事西苏庐(Ms.SheilaSisulu)是饥饿解决方案办公室的负责人。

    WFP Deputy Executive Director Sheila Sisulu the office of hunger solutions .

  7. 世界粮食计划署日内瓦办公室负责人CharlesVincent表示,当务之急是拯救生命。

    The Director of the WFP office in Geneva , Charles Vincent , says the first is to save lives .

  8. 世界粮食计划署(wfp)可以负责管理这个系统。

    The World Food Programme ( WFP ) could manage this system .

  9. 世界粮食计划署(WorldFoodProgramme)已经发出特别紧急呼吁,希望各国政府在未来4周内捐助至少5亿美元,以避免在食品价格飙升的情况下削减食品援助。

    The World Food Programme has launched an extraordinary emergency appeal to governments to donate at least $ 500m in the next four weeks to avoid rationing food aid in response to the spiralling cost of food .

  10. .预期世界粮食计划署(WorldFoodProgram,WFP)在下月的粮食分发工作中将为超过150万人提供救助,并为500000名6岁以下儿童提供特别的治疗性喂养。

    WFP Doubling Food Assistance for Niger The World Food Program is now expecting to feed more than 1.5 million people in next month 's general food distribution , specialized feeding for 500000 children under the age of six .

  11. 自上世纪90年代饥荒以来,朝鲜一直依靠外国捐赠来养活三分之一的人口。几乎所有援助都是通过联合国世界粮食计划署(UNWorldFoodProgramme,WFP)分发的。

    Since the 1990s famine , North Korea has been reliant on foreign donations to feed as much as a third of its population , almost all of which has been distributed through the UN World Food Programme .

  12. 世界粮食计划署(WFP)上个月呼吁紧急救援以防止“严重的悲剧”的发生。

    Last month the World Food Programme ( WFP ) called for urgent help to avert a " serious tragedy " .

  13. 世界粮食计划署驻中国代表黄安生(BrettRierson)称赞了中国政府为应对危机做出的努力。

    The World Food Program 's director for China , Brett Rierson , praised the Chinese government 's efforts to address the crisis .

  14. 世界粮食计划署(wfp)迫切需要额外资金,支持其运转良好的贫困人口粮食计划是一项道义和经济责任。

    The World Food Programme urgently needs additional funds and supporting its well-run programmes to feed the poor is a moral and economic imperative .

  15. 世界粮食计划署(wfp)宣布,如果无法很快获得更多的捐助,该机构将不得不在7月份停止向严重饥荒的朝鲜提供救援物资。

    The world food programme will have to stop delivering aid to starving North Koreans by July if it does not receive more donations immediately .

  16. Casella说,目前为止,世界粮食计划署已经向受灾地区20000多个家庭发放了食物救助。

    Casella says WFP so far has food to more than 20000 families in affected areas .

  17. 世界粮食计划署有大量工作人员在现场,WFP称,毁坏的程度表明许多人口受到影响,亟需帮助。

    The World Food Program , which has a large staff , says the level of indicates many of these people have been affected and will require help .

  18. 韩旭阳曾在英国广播公司BBC实习,也曾在联合国世界粮食计划署担任助理一职,还曾在苹果店兼职做销售,他坚信这些经历帮助他拿到了现在的这份工作。

    Han believes his internship at the BBC , work as an assistant at the UN 's World Food Program in London and his part-time sales job at an Apple Store helped nail his current position .

  19. 世界粮食计划署女发言人EmiliaCasella称,这种现象对危地马拉农村贫穷地区的营养状况造成严重不良影响,尤其是妇女和儿童。

    WFP spokeswoman , Emilia Casella , says this situation is the nutritional status of the rural poor in Guatemala , particularly women and children .

  20. 粮农组织负责运营的副总干事马诺基·朱内贾(ManojJuneja)与世界粮食计划署的副执行总干事阿米尔·阿卜杜拉(AmirAbdulla)也在协议上签字。

    FAO Deputy Director-General for Operations Manoj Juneja and World Food Programme ( WFP ) Deputy Executive Director Amir Abdulla also signed the agreement .

  21. UNODC与老挝政府不得不呼吁世界粮食计划署进行紧急粮食救助。

    UNODC and the Laotian government had to appeal to the World Food Programme for emergency food aid .

  22. 世界粮食计划署亚洲地区主管托尼•班伯里(TonyBanbury)向英国《金融时报》表示,尽管未来数月有可能避免这种危机,但没有人采取实际行动,目前看来也没有明显的解决方案。

    Tony Banbury , the WFP 's regional director for Asia , told the Financial Times that , while such a crisis could be averted over the coming months , there are no real actions being taken and no obvious solutions in the immediate horizon .

  23. 世界粮食计划署埃塞俄比亚负责人AbdouDieng表示,尽管国际社会对粮食救助的呼吁反应积极,埃塞俄比亚仍然面临严重的紧急物资短缺。

    WFP : Ethiopia 's Emergency Food Reserve Near Zero WFP 's Ethiopia Country Director Abdou Dieng says despite a good response to international appeals for food aid , Ethiopia faces a critical shortfall in emergency supplies .

  24. 但是,世界粮食计划署的女发言人卡塞拉表示,这仍然不够。

    But WFP spokeswoman Emilia Casella says that is not enough .

  25. 特雷弗?罗是联合国世界粮食计划署的发言人。

    Trevor Rowe is a spokesman for the World Food Program .

  26. 世界粮食计划署正在向该地区空运紧急补给物资。

    The World Food program is airlifting emergency supplies to the region .

  27. 在2004年,他成为联合国世界粮食计划署最年轻的大使。

    In2004 he became the youngest Ambassador of the UN World Food Program .

  28. 但是世界粮食计划署发言人卡塞拉说,目前援助工作有进展。

    But World Food Program spokeswoman Emilia Casella says progress is being made .

  29. 联合国的世界粮食计划署也正在分发必要的物品。

    The U.N. 's World Food Program is distributing necessary items , too .

  30. 世界粮食计划署在加沙地带通常承担的援助任务是向26万5千名不属于难民范畴的巴勒斯坦人提供援助。

    The WFP has a regular caseload of 265000 non-refugee Palestinians in Gaza .