
  • 网络maundy thursday
  1. 在濯足节,我们为着主被剥去的荣耀而伤痛。

    We gripped with the stripping of Jesus'dignity on Maundy Thursday .

  2. 圣周四,濯足节,最后的晚餐,圣体,犹大,花园

    Holy Thursday , Maundy Thursday , last supper , Eucharist , Judas , Garden

  3. 因此今天被称为濯足节星期四,或者意译为授诫命的星期四。

    Hence today is called Maundy Thursday , or literally " Commandment " Thursday .

  4. 上周四,菲利普本想和女王一起参加温莎城堡圣乔治教堂的濯足节,也在名单中,却遗憾缺席。

    He had hoped to join the Queen for the Maundy service at St George 's Chapel in Windsor last Thursday , and his name was in the order of service .

  5. 我们可以这样来思考洗脚:就好像在圣灰日的时候我们披麻戴灰来立志悔改,那么在濯足节我们以洗脚来激励谦卑和服事。

    Think of foot washing this way : just as we wear ashes on our heads to produce repentance on Ash Wednesday , so we wash feet on Maundy Thursday to inspire humility and service .
