  • wash
  • 洗:~足。

  • 〔~~〕形容山无草木,光秃秃的,如“~~童山”。

  • 祓除罪恶。

  • 古通“棹”。


[书] (洗) wash:

  • 濯足

    wash one's feet


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 濯洁

    Zhuo Jie

  1. 美人娟娟隔秋水,濯足洞庭望八荒。那秋人身穿皮夹克,把过耳的头发梳得油光水亮。

    " * Beauty would be facing me across the autumn waters . Oh , to wash my feet in Lake Dongting and see at its eight corners " The gang wore leather jackets and had long hair plastered down over their ears .

  2. 有孺子歌曰:‘沧浪之水清兮,可以濯我缨;沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯我足。’

    There was a boy singing ," When the water of the Cang Lang is clear , It does to wash the strings of my cap ; When the water of the Cang Lang is muddy , It does to wash my feet . "

  3. 葛濯头村(Gezhuotou)居民的生活被电厂、煤矿和工厂所环绕。

    The inhabitants of the village of Gezhuotou are surrounded by power stations , coal mines and factories .

  4. 在濯足节,我们为着主被剥去的荣耀而伤痛。

    We gripped with the stripping of Jesus'dignity on Maundy Thursday .

  5. 圣周四,濯足节,最后的晚餐,圣体,犹大,花园

    Holy Thursday , Maundy Thursday , last supper , Eucharist , Judas , Garden

  6. 因此今天被称为濯足节星期四,或者意译为授诫命的星期四。

    Hence today is called Maundy Thursday , or literally " Commandment " Thursday .

  7. 社会的解放与人的解放&康濯中篇小说《水滴石穿》新论

    Liberation of Man and Society : A New Outlook of Kang Zhuo 's Constant Dripping Wears the Stone

  8. 老头子。长夜黑暗。处处险恶。但是烈火将濯尽一切。

    The night is dark and full of terrors , old man , but the fire burns them all away .

  9. 她纯净美丽的歌声,濯亮了山涧,小溪,幽径及一只鸟灰色的哀鸣。

    Her pure beautiful voice , Zhuo bright streams , creeks , You Jing , and a gray bird whine .

  10. 我总是回忆,尤其想起我在阳光明媚的春日里参加诺维奇的濯足礼的时候,大教堂布置了引人入胜的场景。

    I recall , especially a dazzling spring day in Norwich when I attended the Maundy Service , the cathedral providing a spectacular setting .

  11. 郑人使子濯孺子侵卫,卫使庾公之斯追之。

    The people of Chang sent Zi Zhuo Ru to make a stealthy attack on Wei , which sent Yu Gong Zhi to pursue him .

  12. 上周四,菲利普本想和女王一起参加温莎城堡圣乔治教堂的濯足节,也在名单中,却遗憾缺席。

    He had hoped to join the Queen for the Maundy service at St George 's Chapel in Windsor last Thursday , and his name was in the order of service .

  13. 我们可以这样来思考洗脚:就好像在圣灰日的时候我们披麻戴灰来立志悔改,那么在濯足节我们以洗脚来激励谦卑和服事。

    Think of foot washing this way : just as we wear ashes on our heads to produce repentance on Ash Wednesday , so we wash feet on Maundy Thursday to inspire humility and service .
