
  1. 世博会营销模式的发展同市场营销理论的发展紧密相关,本文以此入手分析了世界博览会在以往各个时期的营销模式。大连与苏州城市营销模式比较

    Marketing modes of Expo are closely related with the development of marketing theory . Comparative Analysis on the City Marketing Modes of Suzhou and Dalian

  2. 上海世博会的文化营销与软实力构建

    The Culture Marketing and Soft Power Constitution in Shanghai Expo

  3. 中美博士生创新能力培养机制之比较上海世博会的文化营销与软实力构建

    A Comparison on the Cultivating Mechanism of Creative Ability of Doctoral Candidates between China and America The Culture Marketing and Soft Power Constitution in Shanghai Expo