
  • 网络Special tourism;Specific Tour
  1. 汉城的梨泰院1997年被指定为专项旅游区并成为CBD的一部分。

    In Seoul , Itaewon was designated as a STZ in1997 and a part of the CBD .

  2. 开发穆斯林专项旅游产品的尝试

    A Trial of Developing Special Tourism Products for the Moslems

  3. 在此背景下,海岛作为一种魅力独具的专项旅游产品受到大众青睐,海岛旅游开发活动渐次兴起。

    Under this background , island tourism has developed rapidly .

  4. 会展旅游是一种专业性强,产品附加值高,赢利能力强的专项旅游产品;

    MICE tourism is professional tourism product of high profit .

  5. 与此对应的则为桂林休闲度假型旅游产品、专项旅游产品的开发。

    So it is suitable to develop leisure-tourism products and special tourism products .

  6. 湖北楚文化专项旅游开发研究

    The research on tourism development with CHU-Culture in Hubei

  7. 然而,针对青少年市场开发的专项旅游产品却凤毛麟角。

    But , there is hardly any special tour products aiming at this market .

  8. 湖南新兴专项旅游产品开发研究

    The Research on the Development of the New Special Tourism Products of Hunan Province

  9. 作为一种新兴的旅游形式,影视旅游是属于专项旅游。

    Film Tourism is an emerging forms of tourism , belong to a special tour .

  10. 工业旅游是旅游业正在兴起的一项依托于工业旅游资源进行的专项旅游活动。

    Industrial tourism is a tourism activity relies on industry resources rising in the tourism industry .

  11. 螺髻山冰川地质专项旅游资源开发对策及其意义

    Development Measures of Specialized Tourist Resources of the Glacial Geology of Mount Luoji and its Significance

  12. 20世纪80年代,影视旅游作为一种专项旅游形式开始发展起来。

    In the 1980s , film-induced tourism has developed as a special travel form at first .

  13. 冰雪旅游自从成为专项旅游活动以来,在欧洲有近几百年的历史。

    Ice and Snow Tourism has since become a special tourism activities in Europe in recent centuries .

  14. 汉城旅游商务区的空间特征:以梨泰院专项旅游区为例

    The Spatial Characteristics of Tourism Business District in Seoul : the Case of Itaewon Special Tourism Zone

  15. 工业旅游既是一种专项旅游活动,同时也是企业发展项目;

    Industry tourism is not only a specialized tourist activity but an enterprise development project as well .

  16. 葡萄酒旅游是一项新型专项旅游方式,在全球得到迅速发展。

    As a new type of special tourism , wine tourism has rapidly developed around the world .

  17. 民俗旅游区别于一般的观光旅游、度假旅游,属于专项旅游的范畴。

    Different from ordinary sightseeing and holiday tourism , folk-custom tourism is under the category of special tourism .

  18. 养生旅游作为一种专项旅游,几乎与每个旅游者的生命追求都相关。

    As a special kind of tourism , health-cultivation tourism relates to every tourist 's pursue of life .

  19. 中医药旅游是一种新兴的专项旅游,有其自身的类型和特点。

    Traditional Chinese medicine tourism as one of new and special tourist projects has its own characters and styles .

  20. 韩国许多城市指定了专项旅游区,通过提供若干激励政策来促进城市旅游。

    Many Korean cities have designated Special Tourism Zone ( STZ ) in order to enhance urban tourism by providing several incentives .

  21. 旅游新产品开发以专项旅游为主,其地理分布向现存旅游景区外围扩散。

    The new tourism products for teenagers are mainly the special subject tourism , and will be spread out of periphery of present tourism region .

  22. 有旅游皇冠上的宝石美誉的会展旅游是国际上新兴的一种专项旅游形式。

    MICE Tourism is a new kind of traveling form which has good report of the gem in the tourism imperial crown in the international area .

  23. 考古旅游是以考古活动、考古发现的古代物质文化遗存为旅游吸引物,具有游览观光、学习求知,参与体验、休闲娱乐等功能的专项旅游。

    Archaeological tourism is based on archaeological activities and the cultural remains discovered in archaeology , which consists of sight-seeing , learning , experiencing , and relaxing functions .

  24. 工业旅游是一种与工业和旅游业都相关的新型专项旅游和特色旅游,包括工业遗产旅游和工厂观光旅游两大类。

    The industrial tourism , including industrial heritage tourism and factory tour tourism , is a new and characteristic tourism which is relevant to both industry and tourism .

  25. 功能定位为:以生态、文化旅游为主导,观光游览为根本,加快商务、会展、文体交流类旅游及其它特种、专项旅游产品的开发。

    The function is orientated as : Taking tourism about ecological and culture as lead , sightseeing as base , develop commercial affairs , exhibition and other special markets .

  26. 旅游发展的主要趋势之一,是旅游者正在从单一的观光型旅游向度假及各种专项旅游如体育旅游转化。

    One of the main trends of tourism development is that the tourism transforms from the single-tourism to holidays and all kinds of specialized tourism such as sports tourism .

  27. 农业旅游是我国新兴的专项旅游形式,因其具有诸多的优越性,越来越受到旅游者的青睐。

    Agricultural tourism , a newly-emerged form of Chinese tourism , has been arousing more and more interest in many cities with its unparalleled advantages compared with conventional tourism .

  28. 近年来,红色旅游发展态势很好,但作为一种专项旅游来进行产业开发,却存在很多的问题。

    In recent years , red-tourism has developed rapidly . But there are a lot of problems during industrial development of red-tourism as a kind of special tourism product .

  29. 自驾游做为一种新兴的专项旅游在我国正迅速的发展,但与自驾游发展的良好势头极不相称的是旅行社自驾游产品发展的滞后。

    As a new-coming kind of special tour , Self-driving develops very fast in China . But the lag products of Travel Agency can not match the advancing Self-driving development .

  30. 自驾车旅游以自由、自主、自助的突出特点被旅游者广泛接受和喜爱,是我国近几年快速发展的专项旅游。

    Nowadays self-driving tour , widely accepted and loved with the prominent features of freedom , self-determination and self-help , is a fast-developing special travel item in the recent years .