
zhuān shǔ quán
  • exclusive right
  1. 其性质是财产权、相对权、形成权、期待权、专属权、基础权和取得权,可以为主权利,也有为从权利的。

    Its nature is property right , comparative right , right in forms , exceptive right , exclusive right , basic right and acquiring right .

  2. 使用商标、品牌名或商业标记的永久专属权可以通过向政府申请登记获得。

    A permanent exclusive right to the use of a trademark , brand name , or commercial symbol may be obtained by registering it with the federal government .

  3. 我还以为我们对这里有专属权

    I thought we had an exclusive on this property .

  4. 一公司对专利产品或制作方法享有专属权的状况。

    A condition in which a company has exclusive rights to a patented product or process .

  5. 授予该专属权的目的是鼓励发明新产品、新技术。

    The purpose of this exclusive grant is to encourage the invention of new products and processes .

  6. 乙方对通过检测的样品具有专属权,甲方不得将此样品作为成品提供给其他贸易对象。

    Party B has exclusive right for the mobile samples that success its test , party A may not provide the mobile samples as the production to other buyers .

  7. 同时,为了安抚反对党,他还承诺将放弃诸如解散议会这类总统专属权&尽管他是否真的会这么做是很值得怀疑的。

    And , in an attempt to win over the opposition , he promised to cede some of his sweeping presidential powers , such as the authority to dismiss parliament & though many doubt he will actually do so .

  8. 如何认识CAS奥运会特别仲裁分院对产生于奥运会期间的与奥运会有关的争议享有的专属管辖权?

    How to understand the jurisdiction of CAS AHD on the disputes arising during Olympic Games ?

  9. 他对海商案件拥有专属管辖权。

    He had sole jurisdiction in maritime and seafaring causes .

  10. 试论国际民事专属管辖权的范围

    The Scope of Civil Law Exclusive Jurisdiction

  11. 民事专属管辖权是根据国际条约或国内法规规定的管辖权。

    The civil exclusive jurisdiction is the jurisdiction stipulated according to international treaty or the domestic law .

  12. 这一很少受到关注的判决,聚焦于双方金融合约中专属管辖权条款的性质。

    The little-noticed judgment centred on the nature of the exclusive jurisdiction clause in the parties ' financial contract .

  13. 协调网络专属管辖权的冲突是值得探讨的新的领域。

    So the coordination to civil law exclusive jurisdiction conflict is a new issue and is worth to be discussed .

  14. 协议各方同意接受加州的专属管辖权、以加州圣克拉拉市的联邦法庭为仲裁地。

    The parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts in Santa Clara County , California .

  15. 特此,(协议)各方都应赞成包括加州费里蒙得在内的行政区的联邦法院或州法院的专属管辖权。

    The parties hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal or state courts in the districts that include Fremont , California .

  16. 驰名商标具有超越地域性的独占权、超越先申请原则的注册权,以及严格限制的转让权和许可权等专属垄断权特征;

    Wellknown trademarks are characteristics of exclusive monopoly right beyond territories , registration right beyond primary application doctrines , transfer right with strict limitations and permission right .

  17. 经过10多年的努力,中国已成功成为国际海底先驱投资者,获得了专属开发权。

    After more than 10 year ′ s endeavor , China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive exploitation rights .

  18. 只要这种自由是在尊重沿海国国家安全利益、主权权利和专属管辖权的前提下行使的,就应该是安全的和有保障的通过自由。

    Once exercised on the premise of respecting the national security interests , sovereignty right , and jurisdiction of the coastal State , will such freedom of passing through be safe and secured .

  19. 因此,在这个新生的地区,沿海国的主权权利和专属管辖权与公海自由及其他国家的权利划分自始就不十分确定。

    Therefore , in this newly established area , the mark for rights of sovereignty of costal States and exclusive jurisdiction and freedom of the high sea and rights of other States is not quite certain at the very beginning .

  20. 假如人们认为一项非专属司法管辖权条款的订立,足以完全让订约双方在其所选择的任何司法管辖区中解决其争议,这是将情况看得过于简单。

    It is overly simplistic to think that a non-exclusive jurisdiction clause fully maintains the parties'freedom to conduct disputes in any jurisdiction they wish .

  21. 尤其是在专属经济区这一新的区域内,沿海国的主权权利和专属管辖权与公海自由及其他国家的权利划分不是十分确定。

    Especially in the new area of exclusive economic zone , the partition of coastal countries ' sovereign rights , exclusive jurisdiction , the freedom of high sea , and other countries ' rights is not very clear .