
  • imperfect;imperfection
  1. 阿喜是一个不完美的虚拟人物。

    Angie is an imperfect virtual personality .

  2. 这一销售“歪瓜裂枣”的活动名为“天生不完美”,最初有苹果、土豆。

    The wonky food is being sold for a campaign called No Name Naturally Imperfect and will begin with apples and potatoes .

  3. 这个人狂饮一通,努力让自己去接受自身的不完美。

    This man drank rather heavily in an effort to come to terms with his own inadequacies .

  4. 我们因了解与接受伴侣和我们一样不完美,而体验了成熟的爱。

    We experience a more mature love that accepts and understands our partner ’ s imperfections as well as our own .

  5. 基于不完美CSIT的MIMO系统线性预编码传输方案

    Linear precoding for MIMO system based on imperfect CSIT

  6. 当然,Java除了不完美的移植性外,它也有许多优势:静态输入(许多人想要它)、庞大的类库、卓越的文档、细心的设计选择。

    Of course , Java has many strong points besides raw portability : static typing ( for those who want it ), huge class libraries , excellent documentation , careful design choices ) .

  7. 虽然该工具不完美,但它的确展示了如何使用Eclipse扩展LotusNotes,以及如何使用LotusNotesJava后端类访问和操作LotusNotes数据。

    Although this tool is not perfect , it does show how to use Eclipse to extend Lotus Notes and to use the Lotus Notes Java backend classes for accessing and manipulating Lotus Notes data .

  8. 这是因为GWT对宿主环境底层的正则表达式机制的依赖也是不完美抽象所带来问题的一个例子。

    This is because of GWT 's reliance on the host environment 's underlying regexp mechanism and is an example of the trouble that imperfect abstractions can land you in .

  9. 本研究还不完美,但从中可见,英汉两种语言中DOC的生成机制是相似的,是基本符合人的认知能力的。

    Such illustration and comparison , although not perfect , shows that the derivation of English DOC is similar to that of Chinese , both basically in accordance with man 's cognitive competence .

  10. 这将会是我需要要记住的日子,我需要记住我的承诺做一个具有Wabi-sabiLove精神的工匠,就是一个懂得发现美和完善自己不完美的人。

    These will be the days when I need to remember my commitment to being a Wabi Sabi Love artisan & someone who finds beauty and perfection in her own imperfection .

  11. 本文假设竞争的并购企业之间、成功的并购者和目标企业之间关于并购成败的信息不完美,管理者自大,利用实物期权博弈论方法,研究生产函数为Cobb-Douglas函数情形企业并购的时机和条件。

    Incorporating imperfect information about the success and failure among competing bidders , this paper presents a model of acquisitions with a Cobb-Douglas production function .

  12. 就像通常的情况一样,Wiki尚不完美,不过这是了解文档的一个很好的起点;在下一篇文章中我们将更加详细地介绍这个问题。

    As is usually the case , the Wiki isn 't perfect , but it 's a very good starting point for documentation ; I 'll explore it more fully in the next article .

  13. 所以基本的NOEM模型也融合了劳动力市场和产品市场中的不完美竞争、名义刚性和最优价格设定导致的时变利润。

    So basic NOEM model also combines imperfect competition in labor and product markets , nominal rigidities and the optimal price setting which due to time-varying profit .

  14. 点阵空位就是不完美性的一个简单例子。

    A lattice vacancy is a simple example of an imperfection .

  15. 非洲裔美国奴隶过去经常在被子上展现出不完美。

    African American slaves used to put imperfections in their quilts .

  16. 宗教是不完美的,因为人本身不完美。

    Religion is flawed , but only because man is flawed .

  17. 我认为没有电脑的生活是不完美的。

    I don 't think that life is perfect without computers .

  18. 接受不完美&完美主义是完成任务的大敌。

    Accept imperfections . – Perfectionism is the enemy of completion .

  19. 如果他开始变的不完美。

    If he turns out to be * Less than perfect .

  20. 他们会在被子上放一块不完美的方形布料。

    They make an imperfect square of cloth on a quilt .

  21. 那种不完美给了我进步的动力。

    Still , that imperfection gives me my motivation to improve .

  22. 正因为你的不完美,你才如此美丽、可爱、珍贵!

    Your imperfections make you beautiful , lovable , and valuable .

  23. 生命虽不完美,但又如何?

    My life is not perfect , but that 's okay .

  24. 没错,与南非种族隔离制度的任何类比都是不完美的。

    True , the analogy with South African apartheid is never perfect .

  25. 云技术虽然优越,但尚不完美。

    The cloud approach is better , but not perfect .

  26. 我不完美,但我是年轻的自己。

    I 'm imperfect , but I 'm perfectly me .

  27. 美满婚姻并非「璧人成双」,而是不完美的一对互相欣赏彼此的差别。

    It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences .

  28. 澳大利亚目前的处境是平衡的,但还不完美。

    Australia current position is well balance , it is not perfect .

  29. 瑜伽让你感觉更容易接受自己的不完美。

    Yoga makes you feel more comfortable with your imperfections .

  30. 不要害怕承认自己是不完美的。

    Don 't be afraid to admit you are less than perfect .