
  1. 索性不再犹豫,这就是我们列出的也许极具争议的榜单:

    Without further ado , here is our highly debatable list :

  2. 从现在开始,不再犹豫!

    Okay , from now on . Don 't hesitate !

  3. 奥立弗不再犹豫,温顺地跟着新女主人走去。

    Oliver lingered no longer , but meekly followed his new mistress .

  4. 我不再犹豫,就选这个怎么样?

    What if I stray no further but choose here ?

  5. 她不再犹豫不定了。

    The uncertainty was at last behind her .

  6. 现在来一直往无前走,不再犹豫。

    Keep going now , Don 't hesitate .

  7. 但是我只不过是个毛孩子,下定了决心就不再犹豫了。

    But I was only a boy , and I had made my mind up .

  8. 在购买大型电视机等敏感商品时,消费者也不再犹豫了。

    Customers do not hesitate any more to buy sensitive products such as large TVs .

  9. 魔法瞬间,改变生活乐趣!不再犹豫,马上点击鼠标,进来逛逛!

    Magic instant , life changed ! Not hesitate to click the mouse , come look !

  10. 我遇到的大多数专业投资人士,对于谈论2008年的经历都不再犹豫。

    Most investment professionals I meet are no longer hesitant to talk of their experiences in 2008 .

  11. 所以,一旦我作出了深思熟虑的决定,就不再犹豫了。

    So , once I had made a considered decision , I no longer dwelt on it .

  12. 他自己却不再犹豫,虽然倦意还是不停袭来。

    He himself felt no more hesitation , though the weariness had not ceased to grow in him .

  13. 如果你不再犹豫,不再隐瞒自己的真是感受,就有机会得到你一直等待的反应。

    If you stop holding back and let your true feelings be known for a change you will get the response you 're been waiting for .

  14. 他不再犹豫,鼓起了勇气走向那为中年女人那里说道:“我就是约翰,您一定是赫丽思.梅妮尔小姐吧。在这见到您我很荣幸,能赏脸一起去吃个饭么?”

    He did not hesitate . He squared his shoulders and said , " I 'm John , and you must be Miss Maynell . I am so glad you could meet me ; may I take you to dinner ? "

  15. 它们不想成为怪胎,欧盟委员会一名官员本周早些时候表示。这名官员指出,既然美国已经不再犹豫,中印两国对于阻碍有关温室气体排放的全球协定将会感到不那么自在。

    They don 't want to be the freaks , a commission official said earlier this week , noting that both countries would feel less comfortable hindering a global agreement on greenhouse gas emissions now that the US had dropped its reluctance .