
xià jiànɡ pán
  • downthrow wall
  1. 该矿高纯度CO2赋存的主要部位在煤层断裂带内及其周围的煤体下部,特别是下降盘的断裂带内。

    The main location of the storage of the high-purity CO2 exists in the limits of the coal rupture zone , and the lower part of coal zone , especially in lower plate .

  2. 1992年解释此区三维地震资料时,发现CD断层下降盘一侧存在许多异常地震信息,如高振幅、高频率、高速度及独特的微地震相特征等。

    When interpreting the 3-D seismic data in 1992 , we found a lot of seismic anomalies in the down-thrown side of the fault such as high amplitude , high frequency , high velocity , special characteristic of micro seismic facies and so on .

  3. 本文依据ZH地区A-2构造南断裂下降盘多个方向的地震资料(包括三维地震资料),发现在下第三系地层里存在一个厚度大,范围广,与周围地震相截然不同的异常体。

    On the basis of varied-direction seismic data ( including 3-D seismic data ) from the downthrown side of the southern ZH fracture , an anomaly volume with large thickness and wide range , which is different from the surrounding seismic facies has been found on the Paleogene strata .

  4. 埕南大断层下降盘发育了许多不同规模的砂砾岩体。

    There are many scale-different sand-gravel body that developed in downdropped block of Chengnan great fault .

  5. 经研究可知,陆上及滨岸带与生长断层下降盘伴生的滚动背斜是主要油气聚集部位。

    The rolling anticline associated with declining plate of growth fault is a main oil and gas accumulating position .

  6. 生长断层下降盘的逆牵引背斜,在我国东部油田广泛发育,是一种重要的油气圈闭类型。

    Reverse draging anticlines are well developed in oil fields in eastern china , they are a kind of important hydrocarbon traps .

  7. 有利勘探目标分布在西部洼陷白音断层和塔拉南断层下降盘;

    The prospective targets are distributed on the hanging wall of the Baiyin fault and the SOuthern Tala fault in the West sag of the sub-basin .

  8. 断裂的下降盘不仅可以作为沉积区,而且可以作为沉积物的通道,由此沉积物可以输送到沉积中心区域。

    The hanging wall area of fault can be used not only as depositional area , but also as bypass for the sediments to the center area of deposition .

  9. 正断层在地震剖面中有多种特征,但人们通常认为:1正断层下降盘地层厚度一定要大于或等于上升盘地层厚度;

    The normal fault has multiple features on seismic section , the people often considered : ① Thickness of strata in downthrow side must greater than or equal to that in uplifted side ;

  10. 并且控制了沉积岩相的发育、分布,表现为在该断裂北侧下降盘形成伸展裂陷盆地,上升盘一侧发育浅海碳酸盐台地或孤立碳酸盐台地,断裂带构成二者的构造-古地理边界。

    On its downthrow , extension-depression basin develops , and on the upthrow , neritic carbonate platform or isolated carbonate platform develops , it is the structure & paleo-geography boundary of the two kinds .

  11. 滩坝沉积在区域上,如东营凹陷,主要发育于湖岸向风(盛行风)一侧、水下低隆或孤岛周围以及断阶下降盘,缓坡带;

    Beach bar sedimentation was mainly onthe side of windward lake bank , around the low underwater uplift or isolated island , onthe downthrown side of fault and on the ramp belt regionally , for example in Dongyingsag ;

  12. 对于构造油藏,位于断层上升盘的油井在投产初期要比位于下降盘上的油井产油量高、含水低、开发效果好。

    As for structural hydrocarbon reservoir , the oil well on up-thrown block has higher daily oil production , lower water cut and better development performance compared with the oil well on down-thrown block in block faulted oilfield .

  13. 认为文昌A凹陷中央隆起带、珠三南断裂东段下降盘和北部斜坡带成藏条件优越,是珠江口盆地西部近期油气勘探的重要领域。

    The study shows that the play condition is excellent in the central uplift , downthrown block of eastern Zhu ⅲ south fault , and northern slope of Wenchang A sag , and they are important fields for hydrocarbon exploration in the Western Pearl River basin in the near future .

  14. 位移到达一定值后,部分侧阻已经到达极限值,总侧阻力开始下降,而盘阻及其分担荷载比例迅速增加。

    When Displacement reaches a certain value , part of the side resistance has reached the limit , and the total resistance began to decrease , while the plate resistance and the proportion of load shared rapidly increase .

  15. 高频功率谱的下降速度随着散射盘尺度的增加而增加。

    The high-frequency power spectra drops at a much faster rate along with the increase of the scattering disk scale .