
  1. 巴利勒(Bakool)和下谢贝利(LowerShabelle)都在青年党的控制之下。

    Bakool and Lower Shabelle are both under the control of al-Shabab .

  2. 目前为止,联合国仅在两个地区宣布了饥荒状态,索马里中南部的巴利勒(Bakool)和下谢贝利(LowerShabelle)。

    Until now , famine conditions had been ed in only two areas , Lower Shabelle and Bakool in south central Somalia .

  3. 联合国表示,过去几年连续的干旱少雨已经导致索马里南部巴科勒(Bakool)及下谢贝利(LowerShabelle)两个地区陷入饥荒。

    The United Nations says a lack of rain over the past few years has created a famine in two areas in southern Somalia : Bakool and Lower Shabelle .

  4. 现在索马里两个地区已经宣布进入饥荒状态,分别是巴利勒(Bakool)和下谢贝利(LowerShabelle)。Amos警告称,这场危机将很快蔓延到索马里南部其他地区和邻国。

    While famine has been declared in two Somali regions – Lower Shabelle and southern Bakool – Amos warns it could quickly spread to the rest of southern Somalia and neighboring countries .