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  • 【医】intake of food in the morning and vomiting in the evening
  1. 目的探讨胸腔镜下膈神经超长切取、移位重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤手部功能的可行性。

    Objective To explore the possibility to harvest full length phrenic nerve under thoracoscope and the effects of phrenic nerve transfer on hand function reconstruction in the total root avulsion of brachial plexus .

  2. CT导引下经膈脚后入路行腹腔神经丛阻滞

    Computed tomography-guided neurolytic celiac plexus block through post-crus of diaphragm approach

  3. 原发肺癌除了T1期可仅行区域性上纵膈或下纵膈淋巴结清扫外,均应行系统性肺门和上下纵膈淋巴结廓清。

    Systemic dissection of lymph nodes should be done in all lung cancers except that regional mediastinal dissection is enough in T1 lung cancer .

  4. 正常胎儿、新生儿食管下端括约肌神经分布的观察腹腔镜下矫治膈肌和食管下端畸形的探讨

    The histological observation of lower esophageal sphincter in normal fetus and neonates

  5. 目的首创在胸腔镜视下切断膈神经远端移接于肌皮神经的新术式。

    Objective To introduce the new surgical procedure of harvesting the phrenic nerve by thoracoscope .

  6. 以电镜下的膈腹膜超微结构纹理图像为例进行计算机自动识别,最高识别率达92%。

    The maximum precision rate of segmentation in texture image of diaphragmatic peritoneum under the electron microscope was as high as92 % .

  7. 方法:124例煤工尘肺作肺部常规CT,然后在主动脉弓顶、隆突水平、气管分叉下3cm右膈上2cm及重点兴趣区加作HRCT,对其图像表现进行研究。

    Methods : 124 cases of coal miner were first examined by routine CT scan followed by HRCT examination at top of aortic arch , carina of trachea , 3 cm below the bifurcation of bronchi and 2 cm above the right diaphragm as well as other interesting regions .

  8. 在胸腔内窥镜镜视下切取膈神经的实验研究

    A cadaveric study of intrathoracic harvesting of the phrenic nerve under endoscope

  9. 胸腔镜下切取膈神经的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of cutting the phrenic nerve under VATS

  10. 胸腔镜视下切取膈神经移位治疗臂丛神经损伤的临床应用报告

    Thoracoscopic harvesting of the phrenic nerve for treatment of brachial plexus avulsion injury : A preliminary report of clinical application

  11. 气道副交感神经或它们的节前细胞体与舌下神经和膈神经的吸气电活动同时相发生。

    The airway parasympathetic nerves or their preganglionic cell bodies fire in phase with the hypoglossal and the phrenic nerves .

  12. 胸腔镜下切取膈神经移位重建全臂丛根性撕脱伤手部功能初步报告

    A preliminary report on full length phrenic nerve harvesting under thoracoscope and the phrenic nerve transfer for hand function reconstruction in total root avulsion of brachial plexus

  13. 结论:视交叉池内结构以视交叉中心,前续视神经,后邻垂体柄,下隔鞍膈邻脑垂体等;

    CONCLUSION : Optic chiasm is the center of chiasmatic cistern , which is surrounded by anterior optical nerves , posterior pituitary handle , and inferior pituitary with sphenoid saddle between them .

  14. 其中,膈下动脉为膈肌的主要供血血管,膈下动脉及其分支广泛分布在中心腱和膈肌胸骨部、肋骨、腰部。

    The inferior phrenic artery is the primary blood-supply vessels for the diaphragm among them . The inferior phrenic artery and its branches are widely distributed in the center tendon and the diaphragm of sternum , ribs and waist .

  15. 肝内或膈下感染蚀穿膈肌侵入胸膜腔或形成支气管瘘是本病的主要病理学基础。

    Perforation of intrahepatic and subphrenic infection through the diaphragm was the basic pathologic feature of the said fistulae .

  16. 胸腔注入生理盐水B超引导下微波固化治疗膈顶部肝癌的护理

    Nursing care of patients using ultrasound-guided microwave coagulation therapy with artificial pleural effusion for liver carcinoma in the hepatic dome