
  1. 结果腹腔镜子宫切除占同期妇科良性疾病子宫切除的5.02%,112例手术成功,术后发生出血和下肢神经损伤各一例,并发症发生率1.79%;

    Results Laparoscopic hysterectomy comprised 5.02 % of all surgeries among patients who had suffered from benign diseases and were treated with hysterectomy . The 112 surgeries were performed successfully , with a complication rate of 1.79 % .

  2. 所有病例无感染复发、下肢神经功能损伤或深静脉栓塞形成等并发症。

    No recurrence of infection , damage of nerve function or deep vein thrombosis of lower extremities occurred in all cases .