
  1. 中国互联网集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和腾讯(Tencent)搁置了彼此间的激烈竞争,合并了各自旗下广受欢迎的打车软件。

    Chinese internet groups Alibaba and Tencent have put aside fierce rivalry to merge their popular taxi-hailing applications .

  2. Droid搭载Android系统,是摩托罗拉旗下广受欢迎的智能手机。作为这一系列的最新款,DroidRazr据称将在11月10日在威瑞森公司(Verizon)无线网络推出。

    The latest in Motorola 's popular Droid line of Android-powered phones , the Droid Razr will reportedly launch on Verizon 's ( VZ ) wireless network on Nov.10 .

  3. Shikani可视喉镜在颈椎手术气管内插管中的应用纤维喉镜下广基声带息肉手术65例分析

    Analysis of 65 cases of vocal polyp with operation of broad-based by fibre laryngoscope and indirect laryngoscope

  4. 结论:毒性剂量下的广防己提取物在大鼠体内的代谢符合血管外给药二室开放模型,AA-I及AL-I的组织分布较广泛,其蓄积具有特异性。

    Conclusion : The metabolism of Aristolochia Fangchi extract in a toxic dose was correspondence to two-compartment model , and the distribution of AA-I and AL-I was wide and the accumulation of them was specific .

  5. 这个词儿很诙谐地将三种青年归类到同一个标签下,广受欢迎。成千上万的年轻人纷纷在网络上给自己贴上标签。

    The three words , which allow three items to be humorously grouped together under the same category , has become hugely popular , as tens of thousands of young people rushed to tag themselves on the Internet .

  6. 1958年-1998年期间形成的两党民主制度给这个国家遗留下一个广受信赖的民主价值观。

    The two-party democracy of 1958-98 bequeathed a popular belief in democratic values .

  7. 首先将刚采下的果实广布在晒场上一两个星期,直到果实发出霹啪的声音为止,自然干燥之。

    First , the fruit of the newly adopted widely distributed under the sun field in a week or two , until the fruit until the issue of Perak popping sound , natural drying .

  8. 采用多磁盘Cache智能预取算法的磁盘阵列能够在不降低性能的情况下应用于更广的数据存储环境。

    The RAID using Cache smart prefetch algorithm can be applied in more expended data storage environment in case of not reducing the performance .

  9. 下一站:广都,这是一号线终点站。

    The next station : Guang Du , end of Line one .

  10. 目前机器人在各行各业中发挥着重要的作用,而作为特种机器人的类壁虎机器人因其特有的优点,在军事、反恐等场合下有着较广的应用前景。

    As one of these robots , the gecko-like robot has a lot of advantages for its special applications such as military and anti-terrorism .

  11. 在所有这些问题上,曾因在伊拉克和阿富汗立下卓著战功而广受尊重的彼得雷乌斯都可以提供宝贵的建议。

    On all of these , Gen Petraeus , widely respected for his service in Iraq and Afghanistan , would have been an important source of advice .

  12. 厚煤层巷道底板在高水平地应力和采动应力双重作用下,破坏范围广、深度大,单一的浅部加固支护方式难以奏效。

    Under the double effects of great horizontal and disturbance stress , the failure characteristic of roadway floor is manifested as wide range and great depth , the single strengthening manner is far from effective in shallow rock mass .

  13. 对于黑龙江省村镇银行组建及发展的研究,对于研究如何在社会主义市场经济条件下建立多层次广覆盖的现代农村金融体系,具有重要的理论价值和指导意义。

    Study on formation and development of village bank in Heilongjiang Province , has important theoretical value and guiding significance for research on how to establish a multi-level and broad coverage modern rural financial system under the conditions of socialist market economy .