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  • maxilla
  1. 上颌骨牙源性角化囊肿的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of odontogenic keratocyst in maxilla

  2. 基于CT扫描和激光烧结技术的上颌骨及牙列三维仿真与修复

    Three Dimensional Simulation and Repair of Skull Maxilla and Dentition Based on CT Scanning and Laser Sintering Technologies

  3. 用CT资料构建上颌骨缺损区实体模型的研究

    The establishment of three-dimensional models of maxillary defects using CT datum

  4. 结论:唇腭裂患者经RED前移上颌骨后,会对患者发音方式产生影响,在行语音治疗前需考虑全面。

    Conclusion : Articulation changed after RED in cleft patients .

  5. 目的:探讨上颌骨肿瘤和肿瘤样病变的CT诊断要点。

    Objective : To study CT features of tumor and tumor-like diseases in maxillary bone .

  6. 方法以患者上颌骨螺旋CT作为修复设计的原始数据。

    Methods The helical CT data was used for the original data of restoration design .

  7. 结果以CT扫描获取上颌骨三维解剖信息为基础,通过计算机辅助设计成功制作上颌骨个体化钛网修复体。

    Results Based on the CT data of the maxilla an individualized titanium mesh of maxillary defect was developed .

  8. 上颌骨及颅底结构则差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Maxillar and skull structures showed no significant statistically difference ( P 0.05 ) .

  9. 对上颌骨骨折常规X线显示较差,CT和三维CT显示准确率相似。

    Conventional X-ray film is poor , and the accuracy of CT and 3D-CT is similar in showing the maxillary fractures .

  10. 要区分鼻骨与上颌骨额突及周围的细致结构,CT检查是个好方法。

    CT is a good method for distinguishing the nasal bone from the frontal process of the maxilla and other meticulous structures .

  11. 方法采用螺旋CT断层扫描成年人上颌骨,计算机图像处理和转录技术,自编程序和ANSYS软件相结合,将CT扫描图像转换为可用于有限元建模的数值图像。

    Methods Spiral CT scanning , several image processing softwares and ANSYS were employed to create the three dimensional finite element model .

  12. 结论:应用螺旋CT断层扫描和ANSYS分析软件相结合的方法,建立不同范围的腭裂上颌骨复合体三维有限元模型结构细致,方法可行。

    Conclusions : Combined with spiral CT and ANSYS software technique finite element model of cleft palate maxillary complex can be established .

  13. 目的:探讨上颌骨牙源性角化囊肿(OKC)的CT表现及特征。

    Objective : To investigate the CT features of OKC in maxilla .

  14. 对上颌骨病变三维CT通过减影和旋转对腭板和眶下壁的骨质改变显示得最为理想。

    In the maxillary diseases , 3D-CT is very benifical in finding the destruction of palate plate and inferior wall of orbit with rotation and subtraction .

  15. GaAs半导体激光对狗的上颌骨快速扩弓后新骨形成的促进效果

    Effect of GaAs Semiconductor Laser on the Formation of New Bone After Rapid Maxillary Expansion of Dogs

  16. 目的研究腭板HA复合人工骨植骨术对患者上颌骨三维方向上生长发育的影响。

    Objective To research the influence of palate bone implantation to the growth of maxilla in three dimensional direction .

  17. 而单例鼻骨骨折,上颌骨额突骨折,筛骨垂直板等复杂骨折CT扫描均能清楚显示。但鼻骨X拍片和鼻骨骨折CT扫描在诊断鼻骨骨折中二者不可缺一。

    In the diagnosis of nasal bone fracture , neither X-ray examination of the nasal bone nor CT-scan of the nasal bone fracture can be missed .

  18. 面中掀翻术治疗复杂LeFortⅡ、Ⅲ型上颌骨骨折

    Treatment of Complicated Le Fort II and III Type Maxillary Fracture with Extended Sublabial Incision

  19. 方法采用螺旋CT断层扫描、计算机图像处理、计算机辅助设计和有限元软件处理,建立含腭部种植体的上颌骨三维有限元模型。

    Methods Spiral CT scanning , image processing and CAD technology and FEM software were employed in the study to construct the three-dimensional finite element model of maxilla with a palatal implant .

  20. 结论面中掀翻术适用于闭合性LeFortⅡ、Ⅲ型上颌骨骨折。

    Conclusion This method was especially applicable to treat the closed complicated Le Fort II and III type maxillary fracture .

  21. 不同方式扩大经蝶入路与LeFortⅠ型上颌骨截骨术颅底中线部位的解剖研究

    Anatomical Analysis of the Exposure of the Midline Skull Base by the Extended Transsphenoidal Approach and Le fort ⅰ Osteotomy

  22. 结论借助螺旋CT扫描技术及ANSYS软件,建立上颌骨种植体模型是切实可行的,结果是满意的。

    Conclusion The method to develop 3 D finite element model of implant in human maxillary complex by spiral CT scanning and ANSYS software was feasible and the results were satisfying .

  23. 腭板HA复合人工骨植骨术对上颌骨生长发育的相关研究

    The effect of artificial bone implantation in cleft palate on the development of maxilla An Experimental Research on the Correction of Articulation Defects Resulted from Cleft Palate

  24. 目的探索基于Mimics医学图像处理系统的CT法快速建模新思路,建立几何相似性好、可灵活组装、含微植体的上颌骨三维有限元模型。

    Objective To explore a new method to construct the three-dimensional finite element model of micro-implant-maxilla using Materialise ′ s interactive medical image control system ( Mimics ) .

  25. 上颌骨生长受到明显抑制,SNA角、A到OLP平面的距离均显著减少。

    Maxillary growth was inhibited , SNA and the distance from A to OLP plane reduced significantly .

  26. Millard法修复唇裂对上颌骨生长发育影响的动物实验研究

    The Influence of Millard lip repair on Maxillary Growth : An Experiment Study in Rabbits

  27. 上颌扩弓是临床正畸常用的一种措施,用来矫治牙弓狭窄、V形牙弓、提供牙列间隙、激活上颌骨缝辅助上颌前牵引。

    Maxilla expansion is usual measure that applied to correct arch constrict , nasal cave constrict , " V " arch shape , provide arch space and active maxillary suture for assisting anterior traction .

  28. 目的比较唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者颅外支架式牵引成骨术(rigidexternaldistraction,RED)前后软组织面型及鼻唇部变化,评价RED治疗上颌发育不足效果。

    Objective This study was conducted to evaluate the soft tissue profile changes after maxillary distraction osteogenesis by using a Rigid External Distraction Device ( RED ) in cleft lip and palate patients with maxillary dysplasia .

  29. 目的观察快速扩弓(RME)治疗前后上颌骨位置三维方向的变化。

    Objective To investigate three-dimensional changes of maxilla after rapid maxillary expansion ( RME ) .

  30. CDIC纯钛网板支架在上颌骨切除即刻重建中的应用

    Pure Titanium Mesh Application In Maxillae Immediate Reconstruction