
shàng yòu
  • glazing;enameling;vitrification;enamel impregnation
上釉[shàng yòu]
  1. 结果:SEM观察表明抛光组的平滑度与自上釉相似。

    Results : SEM observation revealed that polishing produced similar surface roughness to self glazing did .

  2. 光是玻璃上釉就花了两万镑

    The glazing alone costs upwards of £ 20000 .

  3. Empress陶瓷全冠着色上釉前后边缘适合性的比较

    A marginal adaption comparison of Empress ceramic crown with and without staining and glazing thermal procedure

  4. 500kV户外耐污型棒形瓷绝缘子上釉上砂工艺改进

    Innovation of Sanding and Glazing Process for 500 kV Outdoor Anti-pollution Post Insulator

  5. 对500kV户外耐污棒形瓷绝缘子主体杆径开裂现象进行了分析,认为采用卧式淋釉法上釉上砂工艺,坯体受力复杂,对坯体的破坏较严重。

    Analysis was mode on fracture phenomena on trunk of 500 kV outdoor anti-pollution post insulator , which revealed complicated harmful stress on insulator body at pouring glazing and sanding in horizontal position .

  6. 当上釉样品在1100℃烧成时,氧化铈晶粒优先析出,晶面(100)与样品表面平行,晶粒尺寸约为200nm。

    When glazed specimens were sintered at 1100 ℃, crystalline ceria particles were precipitated preferentially with ( 100 ) planes parallel to the specimen surface with the size of around 200 nm .

  7. 他们在古墓中发现了一些上釉的陶罐。

    They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb .

  8. 为了实用和装饰目的,通常都会上釉。

    For practical and decorative purposes , it is usually glazed .

  9. 抛光和自上釉对陶瓷挠曲强度的影响

    Effect of polish and self-glaze on the flexural strength of dental porcelain

  10. 我将打赌她能用脚帮一条火腿上釉

    I 'll bet she can glaze a ham with her feet .

  11. 大多数上釉的陶器都要经过两道焙烧工序。

    With most glazed ware there are two firings .

  12. 唐三彩上釉马以其造型精美和形态生动而著名。

    Tang three-color glaze horses are famous for their perfect design and realism .

  13. 一种没有上釉的厚纤维;有明亮的印花;用来做沙发布和布料。

    An unglazed heavy fabric ; brightly printed ; used for slipcovers and draperies .

  14. GB/T4100-1992釉面内墙砖非上釉瓷砖(不包括隔热和耐火砖)

    Glazed interior tiles flag ceramic unglazed ( excl. heat insulating and refractory flags )

  15. 激光上釉非晶层的组织结构研究

    Study of structure amorphous layer by laser glazing

  16. 上釉陶瓷马赛克方石,不论是否有纸背衬

    Mosaic cube , ceramic , glazed , whether or not on a paper backing

  17. 他们展出了一些上釉的陶碗。

    They displayed some bowls of glazed earthenware .

  18. 白陶和上釉的陶器也被制造出来了。

    White pottery and glazed pottery were produced .

  19. 所谓第三个工序就是上釉。

    The so-called third step is glazing .

  20. 在干燥架上又摆上了才上釉的陶罐。

    There was raw glaze on the pots that sat again on the drying rack .

  21. 自上釉陶瓷的成釉工艺研究

    Research in to self - Glazing porcelain

  22. 激光辐照瓷上釉的初步探讨(Ⅱ)&热学分析及形成机理

    A preliminary study on laser glazing effect on porcelain (ⅱ) & Thermal analysis and formation mechanism

  23. 他正在给桌子上釉。

    He is glazing the table .

  24. 这坭兴陶是不上釉的。

    Nixing pottery is never glazed .

  25. 由于装货和给上釉,常规擦亮不可能使模子表面降低下来到毫微米坎坷高效率地。

    Conventional polishing cannot reduce mold surface down to nanometer roughness efficiently because of loading and glazing .

  26. 特别适用于对有波纹环的圆柱形工件外表面进行上釉处理。

    The utility model is in particular suitable for glazing on the cylindrical work-piece surface with corrugated rings .

  27. 花饰上釉陶器模仿这种陶器制作的陶器他一味模仿教师的风格,毫无创意。

    Pottery made in imitation of this earthenware . His style is a slavish imitation of his teacher 's.

  28. “这和上釉的陶瓷腰带几乎没什么两样,”爱丽丝回答。

    " It makes about as much sense as a ceramic girdle with glaze on it ," replied Alice .

  29. 第一遍焙烧使得陶器变得坚硬,下一步就是给它上釉彩,然后再焙烧。

    The first firing hardens the pottery , and it is then ready to be glazed and fired again .

  30. 这时国王的陶器制作师走过来,他一直留心寻找供陶器上釉炉燃烧的柴火。

    Along came the king 's potter , who was always on the lookout for firewood for his glazing oven .