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shàng lián
  • the first line of a couplet on a scroll
上联 [shàng lián]
  • [the first line of a couplet on a scroll] 对联的前一句

上联[shàng lián]
  1. 接着详细叙述了OLT、ODN、ONU设备的规划建设方案,以及介绍了不同业务接入及上联。

    Then it describes in detail OLT , ODN , ONU equipments planning and construction programs , and describes the different services access and uplink .

  2. 结论:在综合治疗基础上联用Lipo-PGE1与甘草酸二铵是治疗重型肝炎的有效方法。

    CONCLUSIONS : Lipo-PGE 1 in combination with diammonium glycyrrhizinate injection plus the combined therapy is effective for the treatment of severe hepatitis .

  3. 所研制的声呐脉冲侦察模块用目标模拟器(ATANC)进行了陆上联调实验,实验结果验证了声呐脉冲侦察模块的优良性能。

    An experiment on the module is carried out with the target simulator ATANC , and the experiment results show that the performance of sonar pulse detection module is good enough .

  4. 船舶主动力系统陆上联调模拟装置的研究

    Research on Ship Main Plant Simulation Device for Commissioning on Land

  5. 高塑性铝硅合金上联板的铸造工艺

    Casting Process of High Plasticity Al-Si Alloy Upper Connective Plate

  6. 上联:忆往昔,红米饭,南瓜汤,老婆一个,小孩一帮;

    First scroll : Recalled in the past , as soon as red rice , pumpkin soup , wife , child gang ;

  7. 乡镇政府作为上联国家、下接乡村社会的最基层政权,其职能履行好坏与“三农”问题能否破解休戚相关。

    As the most basic organization connecting state and rural society , the performance of township government function is closely related to the " three agricultural problem " .

  8. 贴在门右侧的句子被称作对联的上联,左侧的为下联。

    The sentence pasting on the right side of the door is called the first line of the couplet and the one on the left the second line .

  9. 上联的意思是朝拜妈祖的同时,也要学习妈祖慈爱博大、乐于助人的精神,一起来“斋戒”掉不良的行为及私心杂念。

    The first line means when we are paying respect to Mazu , we shall also learn her spirit of benevolence and helpfulness to get rid of misconducts and selfishness .

  10. 产业是一个国家和社会发展的中间纽带,上联国民经济,下接企业,在国民经济系统中具有重要的特殊地位。产业有其自身的发展规律。

    The industry is a vital link between national economy and enterprise . It has a special important position in national economy system and also has its own development disciplinarians .

  11. 基于异步迭代的交直流互联系统分布式动态潮流计算欣:好,我的上联是海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮。

    Distributed Dynamic Power Flow for AC / DC Interconnected Power Grid Based on Asynchronous Iteration Mode Ok . The first line of my couplet is : Sea-water tide , day-to-day tide , every-day tide and every-day ebb .

  12. 这份蓝皮书是由信息技术研究咨询公司高德纳和中国信息通信研究院在上海举行的2018世界人工智能大会上联合发布的。

    The blue paper was published by Gartner , an information technology research and advisory company , and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology ( CAICT ) , in Shanghai at the ongoing World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2018 .

  13. 在宜农区大力发展绿洲农业,为城乡提供粮食安全,是城乡协调发展的基础;畜牧业下联种植业,上联加工工业,沙产业本身就是高投入、高科技的工业式农业。

    In the good country region the development of oasis agriculture may provide safety in the aspect of grain . On prairie the livestock husbandry is related with plant and process industry , sand industry itself is industrial agriculture with high cost and technology .

  14. 热丝焊接使界面附近粗晶区晶粒严重长大,部分粗晶区晶粒熔化,界面上联生晶粒度较大,而振动焊接接头的界面组织比较细小。

    The hot-wire welding made the grain of coarse grain zone where near the interface seriously grow up , some of the them melted . The concordia grain on the interface was large . The vibration welding made the grain on the interface more small .

  15. 对于地理上分布较广的流媒体服务系统,采用分布式流媒体代理服务器集群,可减少上联广域带宽消耗,缩短访问距离,增强服务能力,关键要解决代理服务器的协作问题。

    As for streaming media system , which geographic distribution is wide , adopting the distributed streaming media proxy server cluster can reduce consumption of WAN bandwidth of upward joint , shorten interview distance and enhance ability of service and the key is to settle collaboration .