
  1. 下了一场大雪,田野上白茫茫一片。

    After the heavy snow , the fields were a vast expanse of white .

  2. 在中国,甚至连医生也不愿自己的子女继承这个职业。2011年中国医师协会(ChinaAssociationofMedicalDoctors)的一项调查表明,78%的受访医生不希望自己的孩子穿上白大褂。

    Even Chinese doctors prefer their children not to follow them into the profession : according to a 2011 survey by the Chinese Medical Doctors " Association , 78 per cent of respondents said they hoped their child would not don a white coat .

  3. 位于日本北部岛屿北海道岛的上白泷站,距离东京北部约1300km,三年前就本应停运。

    The Kami-Shirataki station in Japan 's north island of Hokkaido , about 1300km north of Tokyo , was supposed to shut operations three years ago .

  4. 目的:观察乳腺癌MCF7细胞上白细胞介素2受体(IL2R)α、β和γ链的表达、IL2对MCF7细胞增殖的作用及雌激素对三条链表达的影响。

    Aim : To investigate the expression of interleukin 2 receptors ( IL 2Rs ) on MCF 7 cells , estradiol 's regulation of IL 2Rs expression and the influence of IL 2 on the proliferation of MCF 7 cells .

  5. 我在那辆汽车上白白花了许多钱。

    I 've wasted a lot of money on that car .

  6. 老妇人穿上白衣服看上去很像护士。

    The old lady is drssed in white like a nurse .

  7. 水星上白天气温高到能融化锌和锡。

    Daytime temperatures are high enough to melt zinc and tin .

  8. 我做事时要戴上白手套。

    In my job I had to wear white gloves .

  9. 连铸钢坯上白亮带的形成机制

    Formation Mechanism of White Band in Continuous Casting Billet

  10. 特们的职务可允许他们穿上白衬衫。

    Their duties allow them to wear white shirts .

  11. 你姗姗来迟,名字就会上白名单。

    If you are tardy for class , your name will be blacklisted .

  12. 她穿上白裙子看起来绝对迷人。

    She looked altogether charming in her white dress .

  13. 于是他又加上白红不干胶标签表明次报告要立即执行的标签,依然没有回应。

    Then he added white-and-red stickers marked IMMEDIATE ACTION , yet the report still went nowhere .

  14. 只为了一日三餐能吃上白米饭,就冒生命危险?

    Why , for a handful of rice every day , do they risk their lives ?

  15. 见效快的一种先进的工装技术,也是国际上白车身焊接生产的发展趋势。

    And it is the development trend of welding technique of white body in the world .

  16. “巴黎是真丑,当它穿上白衬衫的时候!”她说。

    " How ugly Paris is when it has put on a white chemise !" said she .

  17. 但我要先在这酒瓶里装上白水,免得他趁我没注意真的喝了。

    But first I 'm going to refill this with water in case he gets past me .

  18. 白宫共和党人穿上白大褂向参议院施压,要求采纳重启美国国家卫生研究院的法案。

    House Republicans donned white lab coats to press the Senate to take up a bill to reopen NIH .

  19. 有时候,他的孩子,穿上白袍与他同乘战车,或者骑马跟在后面。

    Sometimes his children , robed in white , stood with him in the chariot , or rode the trace horses .

  20. 我开始做恶梦,真正意义上白勺恶梦,全都和我所见所闻有关。

    I began to have nightmares , literal nightmares , about some of the things I saw , heard and read .

  21. 当苏格兰皇家银行发布业绩时,弗雷德爵士和他的团队都会穿上白衬衫,并搭配印有该银行标识的领带。

    When RBS presented its results , Sir Fred and team would wear white shirts and matching ties with an RBS logo .

  22. 他身穿蓝色西服,配上白衬衣和条纹领带,抽着烟。

    He 's wearing a blue suit with a white shirt and a striped tie , and he 's smoking a cigarette .

  23. 里德和同事们也发现,染上白鼻病的蝙蝠从冬眠中苏醒的次数是健康蝙蝠的两倍。

    Dr. Reeder and her colleagues have shown that bats with white-nose come out of hibernation twice as often as healthy bats .

  24. 大闸蟹切成块状,与洋葱等蔬菜一起煸炒,淋上白葡萄酒和清酒,做成沙司。

    Cut the crab to cube , saut é with onion and vegetables , pour the white wine and sake for make the sauce .

  25. 双名制的形成和发展与其历史上白、双语并用的语言环境有密切关系。

    The form and development of the two-name system has something done with the bilingualism of Han and Bai Languages in Bai people 's history .

  26. 《实验心理学杂志》有一项调查显示,穿上白大褂和医生的外套会增加人的持续和选择性的注意力。

    Research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology indicates that wearing a lab coat or a doctor 's coat increases sustained and selective attention .

  27. 他穿西装打领带之后显得十分俊秀,对了,再加上白衬衫。看上去十分儒雅,但给人的感觉更像是一条蓄势待发的毒蛇。

    He 's got the suit and the tie , you know , white shirt . He 's so elegant.But he feels like a coiled cobra .

  28. 第二天一进场便又见到土田先生,和一个穿上白衬衣的女仕。

    The next day , the script writer and his assistant , a lady in a white shirt , were standing at the entrance ( maybe waiting for someone ) .

  29. 这么大的内压,再加上白矮星内核中大块的碳,就形成了所谓的钻石。钻石是碳原子的一种特殊构成。

    And that pressure , acting on the carbon-rich makeup of the white dwarf , may have crystallized much of it to the particular form of carbon we call diamond .

  30. 我们给激光器的驱动电流加上白噪声从而改变激光的线宽,通过平衡零拍的方法测量了激光的位相噪声到振幅噪声的变化。

    The white noise is introduced into the driving current hence changes the laser linewidth , then the laser amplitude noise and phase-to-amplitude conversion noise are measured using homodyne detection method .