- 网络upstate;Upstate New York;UP STATE;upper state

It did not occur to her that she was bound for upstate New York not the Big Apple .
Stephen Faraone , a professor of psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse , said the findings should not panic parents of children with attention problems .
Relocating to Virginia from upstate New York , Jamie Chigos landed a position as a financial analyst within two weeks .
she left and moved to Poughkeepsie .
heading Upstate to Hudson , bringing her the check in person .
Brian Kloss is an emergency medicine physician at SUNY Upstate Medical University in New York .
Add in state taxes on tobacco products , and consumers will pay more to light up .
It was close but no cigar for the city 's parched reservoir yesterday as brief but violent thunderstorm drenched the tristate area but missed upstate-yet again .
I do not like it at all , never have , not since the first time I heard it sung at the Ashram in upstate New York .
Hard to believe , I know , but my usually reliable White House insiders tell me that President Bush is trying to decide whether or not to pardon Amy Fisher , now jailed in an upstate penitentiary .
All of which , combined with California 's reputation as the home of technological innovation , makes the place ideal for developing and testing systems designed to monitor pollution in detail .
The dangers can be seen all too clearly in remote villages like Longuchuk , near the oil-rich Sudd marshes of Upper Nile state .
Beautiful and Peaceful Upper Austria Xie ke-Qiang and His Poems
There are also refugee camps in Maban County in Upper Nile State .
something unusual drifted across the Pacific and washed up in Washington State .
I had been entitled to six thousand marks annually as a member of Prussian Council of state .
Last week , senators debated whether states could require food labeling for products with genetically engineered ingredients .
It is the capital of Tasmania , the smallest , most southerly and only island state of Austrilia .
Vilonia , Arkansas , part of tornado alley where twisters are relatively calm at this time of year .
No lottery ticket anywhere can match the Great Arkansas Treasure Hunt 's decent odds of paying off-sometimes quite handsomely .
A small plane has crashed into a building in Austin in the US state of Texas , and officials are investigating whether it was deliberate .
The federal council of Austria 's Freedom Party made the decision during a council meeting on that day in Linz , capital of Upper Austria .
When I was governor of Arkansas , we played in the Sugar Bowl there , losing to Alabama in one of the legendary Bear Bryants last great victories .
This month , the US challenged other duties imposed by China on US car exports , with the announcement coming just as Mr Obama embarked on a tour through Ohio .
A few days ago he bounded on to a stage in Nevada , at the site of what will become the world 's largest industrial building : the Tesla " gigafactory . "
The team had an undefeated season last year going into the playoffs , something they hope to repeat this year as they try to take the team further toward the Michigan state football championship .
I registered the company with the State of Texas as " PC 's Limited . " I placed ads in the classified section in our local newspaper .
In addition to a large , educated workforce to choose from , companies are also attracted to Arizona 's pro-business regulatory climate , which ranks No. 13 in the Mercatus Center 's Freedom in the 50 States .
But Colin Barnett , the premier of Western Australia , where all resources seem magnetically drawn to China , is unconcerned .
At a recent congressional hearing , a senator from the state asked law enforcement officials about the deal , and revealed that the FBI had discussed the transaction with Northeast Wireless .