
  • 网络ascent stage;Ascent Phase;Ascending segment
  1. 本文以载人飞船概念论证方案为背景,分析探讨了载人飞船上升段摄动制导方案。

    In this paper , the concept of perturbation guidance of manned spaceeraft during ascent phase is analyzed on the basis of its conceptual demonstration .

  2. 研究了空基投放型空天飞行器的规避飞行轨迹优化问题,根据任务把飞行过程分为上升段和巡航段,提出了分段建模,分段优化的思想。

    According to mission requirements , the whole flight is divided into two segments : ascent phase and cruise phase , and the ideas of modeling and optimization by step are proposed .

  3. 载人飞船上升段轨道的Newton迭代设计法

    Newton Iterative Design Approach for Manned Spacecraft Ascent Trajectory

  4. 结果(1)股静脉CT时间-密度曲线显示:各曲线呈宽大的缓升缓降波形,上升段相对较短,到达峰值后为缓慢的下降段。

    Results ( 1 ) The curve of common femoral vein showed a broad shape : including the rise to the peak value and slower subsequent decline .

  5. HL-1装置电流上升段MHD不稳定性

    MHD instabilities during current rising phase in the HL-1 TOKAMAK

  6. 同时,本文引入修正系数k,实现了不同强度等级混凝土应力-应变曲线上升段关系式的统一。

    A correction factor k was introduced to the equation that realized the consistence of the ascending portion of stress strain relation curve in different concrete grades .

  7. HL-1装置电流上升段辐射与杂质特性

    Characteristics of impurities and radiation during plasma current rising phase in HL-1 TOKAMAK

  8. 文中将第22周上升段(1987.1.1&1988.7.31)的太阳黑子群和X射线耀斑按经度带作了极大熵谱估计。

    The periods of the McIntosh classifications of sunspot groups and X-ray flares of every longitudinal zone ( from January 1,1987 to July 31,1988 ) are estimated by using the Maximum Entropy method .

  9. 应用CFD方法研究了两级重复使用运载器上升段和轨道器再入段的气动性能。

    The aerodynamic performance of a tandem two-stage-to-orbit ( TSTO ) reusable launch vehicle ( RLV ) and its reentry orbiter are studied through employing computational fluid dynamic ( CFD ) method .

  10. 用Clausius-Clapeyron方程计算上升段中汽泡闪蒸起始点。

    Clausius Clapeyron equation is used for the calculation of void flashing in the riser .

  11. 为了深入认识螺旋管内多相流相分离现象,应用粒子图象测速仪(PIV),对组合弯管内气水砂三相流底部水平段和上升段中液膜区的流场进行了测量。

    Liquid film flow field in gas-liquid-solid three phase flow through a curved pipe were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry ( PIV ) for a better understanding of the phase separation phenomena .

  12. 非对称N次谐波凸轮的气门上升段的气门开启速度可取得较大,并将缓冲段包角增大,可以有效地提高上升段的挺柱升程丰满系数,改善充气性能;

    It is proposed that there is a quicker valve-opening speed during the lift of the valve with asymmetrical , N-times harmonic wave cam , and an enlarged wrap angle during the buffer , which can effectively increase the lifting range of tappet stem and approve charging ;

  13. 本文主要针对我国串联两级重复使用跨大气层飞行器设计方案,建立其动力学虚拟样机,并使用该样机对串联两级RLV的上升段进行仿真计算。

    The thesis aims at setting up the dynamic virtual prototype for contacting series two stages of RLV system and simulating flight at ascent stage .

  14. 当系统压力升高达到1.5MPa时,上升段中的闪蒸现象消失。

    When the system pressure reaches to 1 . 5 MPa , the flashing in riser is vanished .

  15. 舰载飞机弹射起飞上升段的自动控制飞行

    Automatic Control Flight for a Carrier-Based Airplane in Climb Phase during Catapult Launch

  16. 亚轨道飞行器上升段轨迹优化与快速重规划

    Ascent Trajectory Optimization and Fast-Reconstruction for Suborbital Launch Vehicle

  17. 最后,对试验双向板荷载-挠度曲线的上升段进行计算拟合。

    Finally , load-deflection curve of the test two-way slabs was calculated or fitted .

  18. 22周上升段太阳射电缓变成分的一些统计特性

    Some Statistical Features of Solar Radio SVC in the Rising Branch of the Cycle 22

  19. 针对机动发射固体运载火箭开展上升段弹道快速设计方法研究。

    The paper researched the rapid design method for ascent trajectory of multi-stage solid launch vehicles .

  20. 本文对载人飞船上升段轨道的一种工程设计方法进行了探讨。

    In this paper , the engineering design approach of manned spacecraft ascent trajectory is described .

  21. 环氧类树脂粘结剂的粘结滑移关系曲线上升段具有双折线特性。

    The rising step of the bonding-slip relationship curve to epoxy resins indicates a double-linear property .

  22. 受拉泊松系数回归曲线存在上升段和下降段;

    The tension Poisson ratio is negative , and its regression curve shows upward section and downward section .

  23. 考察了反应器上升段进气量和反应器液位高度对液相循环速度的影响;

    The effects of gas feeding flowrate and liquid height on the liquid recycling velocity were also studied .

  24. 循环流化床中气体扩散规律的研究循环流化床上升段流体动力特性数值模拟

    Cas Diffusion Behavior in Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser Fluid dynamics numerical simulation for riser of circulating fluidized bed

  25. 介绍了一种预示固体发动机火箭压强曲线上升段的实用方法。

    A practical method for predicating the pressure curve at the starting transient of solid rocket motor is presented .

  26. 本文详细分析了出现在电流上升段,坪段及下降段密度极限破裂的特征。

    In this paper , we carefully analyze the characteristics of density limit disruptions during current ramp-up , flattop and ramp down phases .

  27. 研究用于射程修正引信的基于弹道上升段速度时间序列的弹道辨识算法精度。

    The precision of a trajectory identification algorithm of a course correction fuze based on the velocity-time data of the projectile ascending trajectory is studied .

  28. 阐述了地面准备、上升段、空间轨道飞行段和再入段等不同飞行任务阶段低温贮箱的热环境条件。

    The thermal environment conditions of thermal protection system in different flight phases such as preparation on ground , ascend , orbital and reentry are described .

  29. 不同作用温度和恒温时间下混凝土的应力-应变曲线其上升段比较接近,可近似采用统一的方程形式进行描述。

    The rising phase of stress-strain curves under different temperature and different temperature lasting time has a similar shape and can be described with a same equation .

  30. 目的模拟载人飞船上升段应急返回在海上溅落,航天员处于水上漂浮状态时的海面环境。

    Objective To simulate the water environment during floating status after astronauts returned and splashed down on the sea because of space capsule emergency in the launching stage .