
shàng tǐ
  • Upper body;the upper part of the body;upward
上体 [shàng tǐ]
  • [upward;upper part of the body] 上身;身体的上半部

上体[shàng tǐ]
  1. 基于增益自举技术加片上体偏置技术的新一代C类反相器技术的应用研究。

    Application research of a new generation of class-C inverter which is based on gain-boost technique and on-chip body bias technique .

  2. 提出了一种基于CT图像和立体测量技术定量评价上体结构性的方法和相应的定量指标,并首次对CT图像进行了处理。

    A new method and two quantitative indexes are also presented to analyze the change of soil fabric during the damage process on the basis of CT images and stereological technique .

  3. As和A1层质地适中,上体湿润,结构良好,富含有机质和养分,其肥力较高,林木自肥作用明显。

    And A , ayers have moderate textures , moist soil bodies , fine structures , rich organic matters and nutrients , its soil fertility is high .

  4. PDC钻头的构模特征是:上体和钢心为轴对称,泥浆流道、安装PDC齿的齿床部分以及喷嘴等结构为回转周期对称。

    Features of modeling a PDC bit are the axial symmetry of the upper body of the bit and its steel core , and the rotary periodical symmetry of the mud passage , body for installing PDC teeth and spray head .

  5. 传感反射以加速度计、振动陀螺仪、力传感器获得的信息为依据,通过上体姿态控制、ZMP控制和落地时间控制实现传感反射控制。

    It describes actualization of a sensory reflex , which consists of a body posture control , an ZMP control and a landing time control .

  6. 试验是在两种团结压力下进行,因而得到的结果分别适用于上体埋深小于10m和埋深10m~20m之间的两种情况。

    Because the laboratory test is performed under consolidation pressures , the presented results in the paper are suitable respectively for two depths of soil , less than 10 meters as well as between 10 meters and 20 meters .

  7. 结合几何非线性弹性理论,并将磁致伸缩效应等效为GMF上体积力作用下的变形效应,建立了GMF双层膜的几何非线性变形模型,推导出了GMF在磁场作用下的挠曲线方程。

    So with combining the nonlinear elastic theory , a nonlinear deformation model of bimorph GMF is established , based on the assumption that the magnetostriction effect is equivalent to the effect of body force loaded on GMF .

  8. 原地纵跳、网上连续垂直跳6次、网上连续垂直跳10次、30m跑、悬垂举腿(30s)、俯卧起上体(30s)是反映运动员竞技水平的主要专项身体素质指标;

    The standing vertical jump , continuously vertical jump for six times and ten times on the net , 30 m running , hang and raise the leg for thirty seconds and sit-up were the main physical fitness indexes reflecting the performance level .

  9. 水中气泡上体散射函数的模拟与计算。

    Simulation and computation of bobbles volume scattering function in water .

  10. 夯管法施工在上体场穿越段工程中的应用

    Applied of Tamping Pipe Method in Construction of Cross-over the Shanghai Stadium Project

  11. 上体-结构体系地震性能研究

    Research of the Earthquake Behaviours of Soil-structure Systems

  12. 服装批量定制中女性上体测量项目的确定

    Determination of the female 's upper body measurements in the mass customization of apparel

  13. 低熔点合金模具在起重机油箱上体成形中的应用

    Application of Low Melting Point Alloy Die in Forming the tank Cover of the Crane

  14. 男上体运动变形与服装放松量的关系

    Study on the Relation Ship between Action Deformation of Man 's Upper Body and Clothing Relaxation

  15. 上体辉紫蓝色,腰部更辉亮。

    Purple-blue upper body , waist-more-hui .

  16. 人体关键部位识别:3.1女性上体关键部位识别。

    Identify the key parts of body : 3.1 Identification the key parts of female upper body .

  17. 最后在三维动力学仿真软件中验证了加入上体补偿运动的合理性。

    Finally , verify the rationality of add compensation of torso motion in the 3D dynamics simulation software .

  18. 窗的解读顶窗盖上体成形分析及模具设计

    Decoding the Window Anaylsis of the process for forming the cover board of clearstory and design of the die

  19. 所有运动员都以较低的上体姿势进入弧顶段而以较高姿势离开。

    All skaters enter the peak of arc with lower upper body posture , and leave with higher posture .

  20. 重心前移,上体右转,右臂向前上●出时呼气。(图10)

    Breathe out when shifting the weight forward , twisting the body , rowing the right arm . ( Fig10 )

  21. 复合系统中主要士壤动物对土壤表层和上体内部的物质分解和九素归还起主要作川,对土壤结构的改善作用较弱。

    So the important groups of soil animals are more action on matter decomposition than on melioration of soil structure .

  22. 当隧洞衬砌与周围上体有一个初始间隙(盾尾间隙)时,土作经过位移和与结构发生相互作用,最后作用在衬砌结构上的土压力远小于原位土压力。

    The earth pressure acting on the tunnel is much less than overburden pressure if there is an initial tail void .

  23. 由前者产生贯穿两宋始终的文统、道统观念,由后者生成宋代文坛上体派纷纭的现象。

    The former is responsible for literary and political traditions in Song Dynasty and the latter for phenomenon of literary cliques .

  24. 上海明珠线二期工程穿越已建地铁1号线上体馆站换乘方案设计与施工研究

    Construction Study of the Second Phase of Shanghai Pearl Line Tunnelling Underneath the Existed Shanghai Metro Line No. 1 and the Change Scheme between them

  25. 计算得到了平台上体结构变形分布及应力分布,明确了结构的危险部位。

    Calculated by the model , distortion and stress distribution of the platform topside structure are obtained , the dangerous parts of the structure are definite .

  26. 本文旨在以建立男性上体模型为目标来研究逆向工程中基于特征和约束的模型重建方法。

    Aiming at constructing the model of the upper part of male body , the feature and constraint based RE model reconstruction method is researched in this paper .

  27. 根据弹性理论和多晶膜的屈服强度公式,计算了附着在基体上体心立方多晶薄膜中不同取向晶粒中的应变能密度。

    Based on elastic theory and yield strength formula of polycrystalline films , the strain-energy densities in differently oriented grains have been calculated for a bcc-polycrystalline film on a substrate .

  28. 在上海闹市区,明珠线二期线路将穿越已建地铁1号线上体馆车站,以实现二线站台T型换乘。

    In Shanghai downtown area , a new Metro line will tunnel underneath the existed station of the First Metro for " T " change between the both Metro Lines .

  29. 上体左、右半壳直焊缝视产品结构不同,分别采用对接熔化焊和搭接缝焊工艺。

    According to the different product structure , butt fusion welding process and lap seam welding process are used to respectively weld left and right half shell of upper body .

  30. 它是由炉上体(1)部分和炉下体(7)部分,靠螺纹连接构成。

    The utility model is formed by a stove upper body ( 1 ) part and a stove lower body ( 7 ) part which are connected by screw threads .