
  1. 健全三级医疗预防保健网。

    And ② perfecting the three-level medical networks of prevention and healthcare .

  2. 农村三级医疗预防保健网门诊反应性分析

    Analysis on outpatient responsiveness of three-tier medical and preventive network in rural area of Weihai city

  3. 结果到三级医疗预防保健网就诊的患者合计占85.2%。

    Results The ratio of outpatients receiving medical service at the three-tier medical and preventive network was 85.2 % .

  4. 乡镇卫生机构是农村三级医疗预防保健网的枢纽,是农村医疗卫生服务体系的重要基石。

    Township health institution is a hinge of rural three-tertiary medical and preventive health care network and an important footstone of rural medical service system .

  5. 广大农牧区已初步形成了县、乡、村三级医疗预防保健网。

    A three-tier medi-care and disease-prevention network at the levels of county , township and village has been preliminarily formed in the agricultural and pastoral areas .

  6. 中国利用城乡三级医疗预防保健网开展社区康复,使城乡基层的大多数残疾儿童能够享有基本的康复服务。

    China has fully used the urban-rural three-level network of health services to develop community rehabilitation , helping most disabled children in grassroots areas enjoy basic rehabilitation services .

  7. 该文简要介绍了中国农村三级医疗预防保健网的焦点问题、作用机制和发展战略研究项目的研究结果。

    This paper briefly introduces the research results on Project Policy Analysis on Issues , Mechanism and Development Strategies of Three tier Health Care Network in rural China .

  8. 结论三级医疗预防保健网门诊服务的反应性还有待于进一步提高,尤其是在投诉、就诊设施和环境、查询帐单方面应进一步改善。

    Conclusion There is great room for the outpatient responsiveness of the three-tier medical and preventive network to be upgraded , especially for medical compliments , medical instrument and environment , and query on expense .

  9. 乡(镇)卫生院是农村三级医疗预防保健网的中心环节,是我国农村实现2000年人人享有卫生保健的关键。

    The town hospital is the central link of the 3 - level medical care and prevention and health cate net in the countryside and it is the key to " Everybody enjoys medical care by 2000 " in the countryside of our country .