
  1. 记述三国史的著名史籍&《三国志》述评

    Famous Historical Records of Three Kingdoms & A Commentary on Annals of Three Kingdoms

  2. 从历史到小说的关键一环&论《资治通鉴》在三国题材演化史上的地位和作用

    The Key Link from History to Novel & On the Position and Functions of Zi Zhi Tong Jian in the Theme Development of The Three Kingdoms

  3. 《三国史记》所勾勒的三国文学史有许多地方为后人所误解。

    8 , " History of three kingdoms " outline a clue of literature history , but some were misapprehended .

  4. 唐代咏三国诗是中国咏史诗中的奇葩,也是三国题材演化史上的一环,其中寓含着丰厚的文化意蕴,从中可透视有唐一代士人群体的时代文化心态。

    The poetry on the Three Kingdoms is a wonderful flower of art in Chinese poetry on history , it contains abundant connotation of culture , from which we can detect the psychology of the scholars in Tang Dynasty .