
  • 网络Holy Trinity Church;the Trinity Church
  1. 人们将他安葬在艾汶河畔的圣三一教堂。

    They put his body in Holy Trinity Church , down by the river Avon .

  2. 这片广场由圣三一教堂慈善管辖,面对着北面小巧玲珑的老房子。

    It is benevolently presided over by Holy Trinity Church and faced by dapper old houses on the north .

  3. 俄罗斯在南极洲至少有三个正在运行着的站,这是为挑战美国全球位置测定系统统治地位做出的部分努力,在东正教圣三一教堂脚下,新的类似俄罗斯基地的监测站正在筹划中。

    At least three Russian stations are already operating in Antarctica , part of its effort to challenge the dominance of the American GPS , and new stations are planned for sites like the Russian base , in the shadow of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity .

  4. 圣三一教堂可以追溯到1210年,莎士比亚就安葬于教堂内15世纪的圣坛上。

    The church , dating from 1210 , is also where he is buried , in a 15th-century chancel .

  5. 他们独自在大街上行进整齐:白条纹,迷离的眼神冒着炽热的光在三一教堂那冷冰冰的白垩色圆柱形的尖顶下面。

    They march on their soles up Main Street : white stripes , moonstruck eyes ' red fire under the chalk-dry and spar spire of the Trinitarian Church .

  6. 当草变成绿色的公园广场,以及在圣三一教堂回来丁香对冲推出它的开花,他被一个渴望折磨逃跑。

    When the grass turned green in Park Place , and the lilac hedge at the back of Trinity churchyard put out its blossoms , he was tormented by a longing to run away .

  7. 莎士比亚可能是在出生3天后,即1564年4月26号在圣三一教堂接受洗礼,那儿离镇中心不远。

    Shakespeare 's christening would probably have been on April 26 - three days after his birth - and the font in which he was baptised is at Holy Trinity Church , a short walk from the town centre .

  8. 此外,百老汇大街还有着纽约市最著名的一些地方,比如中央公园,以及伍尔沃斯大厦、美国亚历山大·汉密尔顿海关大楼、摩根士丹利大厦、中央大酒店和三一教堂等重要建筑物。

    Moreover , the street runs along famous New York City sections like Central Park and is studded with important buildings like the Woolworth Building , Alexander Hamilton US Custom House , Morgan Stanley Building , Grand Central Hotel , and Trinity Church .

  9. 社会上甚至出现了三一教,三教堂等。

    The society even appeared Trinity Sect , Trinity churches .

  10. 艾伦抽时间带她四处转了一下,默卡夫人看到他的房间非常杂乱。他们还去看了艾伦当年与克里斯朵夫一起,在三一学院待过的地方,以及默卡夫人想象的,克里斯朵夫本来会坐在的地方,三一教堂。

    But Alan found time to show her round : Mrs Morcom noted that his rooms were Very untidy ' , and they went on to see where Alan and Christopher had stayed in Trinity for the scholarship examination , and where Mrs Morcom imagined Christopher would have sat in Trinity chapel .