
  • 网络Dieffenbachia;rohdea
  1. 研究了观赏植物花叶万年青属9个品种的组织培养和快速繁殖技术。

    Tissue culture and rapid propagation of 9 cultivars of Dieffenbachia were studied .

  2. 花叶万年青一种植物,花叶万年青属,原产于热带美洲,有结实的节茎和大的多样化的叶子,可做为室内植物栽培。

    Any of several plants of the genus Dieffenbachia native to tropical america , having stout , jointed stems and large , variegated leaves and widely cultivated as an indoor plant .

  3. 虎眼万年青属的几种植物的任何一种,原产于地中海,具有星形花朵。青海高原东部三万年来自然环境变迁的序列与幅度探讨

    Any of several perennial plants of the genus Ornithogalum native to the Mediterranean and having star-shaped flowers . Discussion on the Sequence and Extent of Changes of Natural Environment in the Eastern Qinghai Plateau During the Past 30,000 Years

  4. 虎眼万年青(OrnithogalumcaudatumAit)系百合科虎眼万年青属,俗名珍珠草,又名海葱,葫芦兰,为多年生常绿草本植物。

    Ornithogalum caudatum ( Ornithogalum Caudatum Ait ) Department of Liliaceae Ornithogalum , common name the Pearl , aka Scilla , hyacinth orchid , is a perennial evergreen herbs .