
  1. 江雪落的声音,如花,开放的万壑千山。

    The sounds of falling snows of rivers are like a flower , blooming among thousands of hills .

  2. 因为随着它的起升,群山万壑都渐而晦暗难见了。直至月满高挂、色若象牙之时,幽谷便成了山水间的重重阴影。

    By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon , full chested and round and the colour of ivory , the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape .

  3. 蜀南竹海更以其浩瀚的翠绿、万壑的柔情,无比的峻秀,给恐龙之乡增添了无比的美丽,无穷的魅力。

    The immense bamboo forest in southern Sichuan provides incomparable beauty and endless glamour for the home of dinosaur with a boundless green bamboos , innumerable Valley tenderness and matchless pretty .