
  • 网络WanXiang;wanxiang group corp
  1. 为了赢得来自通用汽车(gm)和福特汽车(ford)等公司的业务,万向集团必须投资增加新的机器,并改善其制造流程。

    In order to win business from the likes of General Motors and Ford , Wanxiang has had to invest in new machinery and revamp its manufacturing processes .

  2. 就在去年夏天,中国汽车部件制造商万向集团(WanxiangGroup)曾提出以4.5亿美元,收购A123公司的控股股权。

    Only last summer , the Wanxiang Group , a major Chinese auto parts maker , had offered to buy a controlling interest in A123 for $ 450 million .

  3. 中国汽车零部件厂商万向集团(wanxianggroup)竞拍破产电池厂商a123systems资产赢得胜利,成为中国企业在国际并购领域的又一成功案例。

    A Chinese car parts maker has won an auction for bankrupt battery maker A123 systems in yet a further example of success in international dealmaking by Chinese groups .

  4. 他夸耀道,与rockwelldriveline(万向集团2002年对其进行投资时,该公司正经历破产程序)组建的一家合资企业,并未削减任何在美国的就业机会。

    He boasts that a joint-venture with Rockwell driveline , an axle-maker that was undergoing bankruptcy proceedings when Wanxiang invested in 2002 , has not lost any jobs in the US .

  5. 中国汽车零部件公司万向集团(WanxiangGroupCorp.)本月同意投资4.5亿美元取得美国电池生产商A123SystemsInc.的控股权。5月份,中国大连万达集团股份有限公司(DalianWandaGroupCorp.)同意斥资26亿美元收购美国影院连锁企业AMCEntertainmentHoldings。

    Chinese auto-parts company Wanxiang Group Corp. this month agreed to invest $ 450 million for control of U.S. battery maker A123 Systems Inc. AONE - 4.85 % In May , China 's Dalian Wanda Group Corp. agreed to buy U.S. movie theater chain AMC Entertainment Holdings for $ 2.6 billion .

  6. 企业家禀性、内生的贸易中介及其网络化&全球化竞争中万向集团企业家职能及其变迁的研究

    Entrepreneurial Personalities , Intrinsic Trading Intermediary and Its Use of Networks

  7. 在破产之前,该公司曾试图与万向集团达成救助交易。

    The company had before the bankruptcy attempted to secure a rescue deal with Wanxiang .

  8. 与美国谈判代表和工会打交道的所有经验,早晚都将派上用场,因为万向集团正设法打造另一个联盟。

    All that experience with US negotiators and trade unions will come in handy , as Wanxiang is now trying to play in a different league .

  9. 再加上万向集团承诺购买可转换债务及行使权证,最终的协议可能是万向集团斥资4.5亿美元收购A12380%的股权。

    With additional commitments to purchase convertible debt and exercise warrants , the agreement could lead to a $ 450 million investment for an 80 % ownership stake .

  10. 万向集团则代表那些规模更小的私人企业,中国对外收购案多是这类企业发起的,尽管收购金额并非最高。

    But Wanxiang is emblematic of the smaller , privately owned enterprises that have been responsible for the majority of the transactions , though not the biggest ones .

  11. 最后,文章通过对万向集团研发国际化的实证分析,从实践方面对内部虚拟组织进行了进一步的分析。

    Finally , the article through the case analysis of the R & D internationalization of Wangxiang corporation , carries on norther analysis from the practice aspect to the inside fictitious organization .