
yī cuò zài cuò
  • Make mistakes again and again;repeat one's mistakes;repeat an error;commit mistakes repeatedly
一错再错[yī cuò zài cuò]
  1. 报纸无意中刊出了受害者的地址,第二天又登出她的姓名,真是一错再错。

    The paper accidentally printed the victim 's address , then compounded their error by printing her name the next day .

  2. 思博特称Expedia的系统一错再错,因为它本应该帮我们找到另一家能入住的酒店,即使距离很远。

    Siebert said the Expedia system failed doubly because the company should have figured out how to find us another hotel property , even if it were many miles away .

  3. 不习惯于承认错误的人,常常习惯于一错再错。

    Who can 't admit to mistakes makes them over and over .

  4. 我们要及时匡谬,防止一错再错。

    We should correct mistakes in time in order not to make them again .

  5. 又或者在过去几年中,新闻集团的一错再错早已耗尽了他们的精力?

    Or is their current silence just weariness from repeated failed activism in prior years ?

  6. 有些领导凭长官意志在错误的道路上一错再错。

    Some of the leaders made continual mistakes because they stuck to their individual ideas .

  7. 如果爱你是一种错,我宁愿一错再错!

    If love you is a mistake , I would prefer to repeat the mistakes again !

  8. 由于我们方面一错再错,加上运气不好,才使罗斯福在这次大胆的军事行动中得以成功。

    A pyramiding of mistakes and bad luck on our side gave Roosevelt success in his audacious military move .

  9. 而在意大利,假如贝卢斯科尼没有迫于国债市场的压力而辞职,他很可能一错再错,令意大利推行经济改革的艰难决定遥遥无期。

    Were it not for pressure from the bond markets , Silvio Berlusconi might have blundered on in Italy , delaying difficult decisions on the economy .

  10. 如果日方执意继续一错再错,那么中国将采取强烈反击,日方将承受所有结果。

    If the Japanese side clings obstinately to its course , making mistake upon mistake , then China will take strong countermeasures and Japan will bear all the consequences .

  11. 不要说了要改下次还是犯,她可以原谅你偶尔的错误,但是不能容忍一错再错。

    Do not say we have to change the offense or the next , she can forgive you the occasional mistake , but can not keep repeating the same mistakes .

  12. 当意识到自己犯了可怕的错误后,她又一错再错:为了逃避偿还欠款,她谎称自己的手提包被偷了。

    Once she realised her terrible mistake , the woman made matters worse by inventing a story that her handbag had been stolen in a bid not to have to pay back the cash .

  13. 什么理由才能让我再无怨无悔在一错再错,当你累的时候就是那心里感觉很累的时候她问过你吗?

    What reason could let me have neither enmity nor repentance and make mistakes again and again again , does she ask you when you are that that feels very tired in the heart at tired time ?