- 名General equilibrium theory;general economic equilibrium

A General Equilibrium Analysis on Impact Produced by WTO Entry to China 's Automobile Industry
General Balance Analysis on Macro-economic Efficiency of FDI in China
The central banks believe that their guide , the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model , is giving them the right signals .
The model can allocate optimally resource according to general equilibrium and market mechanism and provide the double QoS guarantee for resources .
Computable General Equilibrium Model ( CGE ), as a tool for quantitive policy analysis , has been proved to be considerably effective .
The optimization of micro-economic subject is the basis of real business cycle theory ( RBC ) .
Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) Models and Environmental Policies Analysis
A Study on Genetic Algorithm for Computable General Equilibrium Model
So we use the Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) method .
Modeling and Simulation Application of Computable General Equilibrium Model
Modeling Principles 、 Parameter Estimation Methods and Applications of Computable General Equilibrium Model
Using different methods , integrated assessment models can be divided into the optimization models , the computable general equilibrium models and the simulation models .
Some Frontier Issues about CGE Model
The Computable General Equilibrium model is introduced as one of the econometric models in this paper .
But after the basic principle of the CGE model was given according to the General Equilibrium Theory .
This paper presents a demographic-economic simulation model DEM-CEM system which relates population dynamics to economic development of a typical developing country .
By analyzing two effects of interest-tax shock , under a simple model of general equilibrium dynamics-the increasing marginal propensity to consumption and reducing capital stock-we find the effect of interest-tax shock on steady-state consumption and steady-state income in long-run .
A Leontief economy prodution price and general equilibrium Pricer with a continum of consumers
A solution method for the stochastic computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model was tested using a Monte Carlo method to investigate the uncertainty propagation in CGE models .
Without CGE model , the effects of the tax policy for the full economy system are very difficult to appraise .
Real Business Cycle is a theory of business cycle which has founded and developed since 1980s . The research methods and Dynamic General Equilibrium models advocated by Real Business Cycle Theory has been the essential tools for the modern macroeconomic analysis .
A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium ( CGE ) Model is constructed to evaluate quantitatively economic consequences of Industrial Revitalization 's productivity changes .
In this paper a computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model is used to explore the economic impact of population aging in China .
In this background , this paper attempt to analyses the economic effects of CAFTA by a computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model .
As a powerful tool for the analysis of tax policy , CGE ( Computable General Equilibrium ) model has been applied in many countries , and gradually developed into a branch of applied economics .
The chapter will try to use CGE model to comprehensively evaluate the influence of foreign trade fluctuation for forest products to Chinese economic development .
At the same time , since the new economic geography for the first time transport costs into general equilibrium analysis framework , so as to FDI Location Choice of study provides a new theoretical framework and research perspectives .
The two methods of estimating parameter in computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model are introduced and compared : the calibration procedure and econometric estimation .
This article proposes two QOS-based strategies of Admission Control and one market-mechanism-based strategy of internet resources distribution . It also puts forward the Balance Theory , based on which the price factors can work , thus assure the optimal distribution of QOS resources .
It bewrites main body of economic system , the equilibrium between supply and demand is achieved via adjusting the price and quantity of commodity and factor .