
  1. 自从2003年底我国开始发行货币市场基金(MMF)以后,在2004年股市普遍低迷,各种投资产品普遍亏损的情况下,货币市场基金却以平均净值增长2.49%的成绩一支独秀。

    Since the end of 2003 China began issuing money market funds ( MMF ), General downturn in the stock market in 2004 , various investment products generally loss of money market funds using the results of a 2.49 % growth in average net alone show .

  2. 在后金融危机背景下,美元一支独秀的国际货币地位得到了广泛的质疑。

    In the context of the post-financial crisis , the dominant position of dollar as an international currency has been widely questioned .

  3. 目前,中国直接融资发展缓慢,直接融资工具仅国债一支独秀、股票和企业债券萎缩。

    At present , the development of direct financing in China is slow , and only the government bond is outstanding among the di - rect financing tools , however stocks and debenture are shrinking .

  4. 随着电视艺术的发展,电视诗歌散文这种艺术形式悄然出现在了电视荧屏上,它以高雅的艺术风格在娱乐化、市场化为主导的当今时代一支独秀。

    As the development of television art , the art style of television poetry prose was softly showed up on television screen , which showed predominance on the nowadays of mass media entertainment and marketization as the main stream for its decorous art style .

  5. 虽然自从1990年日本泡沫经济破灭以来,日本经济长时期的不景气,但是丰田汽车公司却在日本一支独秀,持续创造出了销售额和利润的连年增长,连年日本第一,连创历史新高。

    Japanese economic bubble burst in 1,990 . Since then Japan is suffering from a long period of economic depression , but Toyota is keeping solid growth while other companies are struggling . Its total sales and profit rise continuously and it is the top company of Japan each year .