
yī guó liǎng zhì
  • one country,two systems;the "one country, two system" policy;one nation, two systems
一国两制 [yī guó liǎng zhì]
  • [one country,two systems]一个国家两种社会制度

一国两制[yī guó liǎng zhì]
  1. 一国两制战略构想是对马列主义的创新和发展

    Strategic Conception of One Nation , Two Systems & Innovation and Development of Marxism

  2. 中国区际法律冲突的产生,是一国两制的必然结果。

    The necessity result of " one nation , two system " engenders interregional conflict of laws of China .

  3. 根据香港旅游发展局(HongKongTourismBoard)的数据,今年3月,赴港内地游客人数同比减少10%。香港依照“一国两制”拥有高度的自治权。

    The number of mainlanders visiting Hong Kong , which is governed semi-independently under the " one country , two systems " arrangement , fell by 10 per cent year-on-year in March , according to the Hong Kong Tourism Board .

  4. 同时在遵守一国两制和WTO原则下,探索两地经济合作的总体思路,以及就如何提升粤港经济合作水平提出若干对策和建议。

    At the same time , according to the rule of " one country two systems " and WTO , it probes general thoughts on the cooperation and puts forward several suggestions on how to promote the cooperation level of Guangdong and Hongkong .

  5. CEPA与粤港澳高等教育的制度化合作一国两制框架下粤港澳合作模式研究

    CEPA and the institutional cooperation among GD , HK and Macao s higher education ; Study on the Cooperation Model between Guangdong , Hong Kong & Macau under One Country Two Systems Policy

  6. CEPA是中国大陆与香港在WTO和一国两制的原则和框架下做出的制度安排,对香港的经济发展和结构转型具有重要意义和深远影响。

    CEPA is the agreement under the principle of WTO and the frame of " one country , two systems " between Mainland and Hong Kong , it is influencial for the economic development of Hong Kong and the transition of its structure .

  7. 逐渐成熟的香港都会经济区有着一国两制的特殊地缘政治和制度优势,因而,在亚洲各竞争中的经济区域中,它是建设亚洲首个、也将是最大的GTP的最佳区位。

    The Hong Kong Extended Metropolitan Region ( EMR ) in South China stands out among competitive regions in Asia in terms of geo-political and institutional setting under ' One Country , Two Systems ' as the best general location for Asia 's first and potentially largest GTP .

  8. “一国两制”是完整的概念。

    " One country , two systems " is an integral concept .

  9. 论一国两制思想中的中国文化基因

    Chinese Culture Gene within the Thought of One Country , Two Systems

  10. 一国两制&一项重要的法律原则

    One Country , Two Systems An Important Principle of Law

  11. 抗战时期重庆的中外文学交流抗战时期的一国两制

    Literature Exchange between Chongqing and Foreign Countries during Anti-Japanese War

  12. 一国两制下引渡制度初探

    On the System of Extradition under Two Social Systems Within One Country

  13. 一国两制成功实践

    Successful Practice of " One Country , Two Systems "

  14. 论一国两制方针的重大意义

    On the Important Significance of the Policy " One State Two Systems "

  15. 澳门回归与一国两制

    The Return of Macao and the Policy of One Country , Two Systems

  16. 《实践论》、《矛盾论》对一国两制的哲学导向

    Mao Zedong 's On practice , On Contradiction And Their Philosophical Direction Towards

  17. 一国两制:是否到了调整的时候?

    One Country , Two Systems : Is It Time to Change Tack ?

  18. 一国两制对台湾来说有什么损失呢?

    What would Taiwan stand to lose by it ?

  19. 一国两制,共同开发。

    " One country , two systems " and " joint development " .

  20. 一国两制是香港基本法的法理核心

    One Country , Two Systems : The Jurisprudential Core of Hong Kong Basic Law

  21. 一国两制下专利优先权的冲突与协调

    Conflicts and Harmonization of Patent Priority under the Systemof One Country , Two Systems

  22. 对人大释法的权限与程序的合法性进行法律分析,人大三次释法符合一国两制下的法律解释体系的要求。

    By analysis , the NPC has the power to interpret the Basic Law .

  23. 十、丰富一国两制实践和推进祖国统一

    Enriching the Practice of One Country , Two Systems and Advancing China 's Reunification

  24. 和平统一、一国两制的基本点。

    Basic Contents of " peaceful reunification ; one country , two systems " .

  25. 论一国两制理论产生形成的历史文化基础

    About the Historical and Cultural Basis for the Theory of One Country , Two Systems

  26. 一国两制后的中国区际体育法律冲突

    Inter-regional Conflict in Sport Laws after China Turns into One Country with Two Social Systems

  27. 文明视阈中的一国两制构想

    The conceiving of " One country , Two systems " in the category of civilization

  28. 一国两制:香港的成功实践与祖国统一

    " One Country , Two Systems ": Successful Hong Kong Practice and Reunification of the Motherland

  29. 一国两制的法律意蕴及其意义

    Thoughts Included By Law of " One Country , Two Systems " and It 's Importance

  30. 一国两制与中国完全统一之思考

    View on " One Country , Two Systems " and " Complete Reunification of China "