
shí yù
  • appetite;hunger;belly;orexis;orexia
食欲 [shí yù]
  • [appetite] 指人进食的欲望

  • 增进食欲

食欲[shí yù]
  1. 她为了增加食欲散了很长时间的步。

    She went for a long walk to work up an appetite .

  2. 别吃太多坚果,会影响你的食欲。

    Don 't eat too many nuts ─ you 'll spoil your appetite .

  3. 这顿饭能使最没胃口的人产生食欲。

    It was a meal to tempt even the most jaded palate .

  4. 老这么谈吃的勾起我的食欲了。

    All this talk of food is making me hungry .

  5. 这份三明治使我食欲大减。

    The sandwich took the edge off my appetite .

  6. 海上的空气增进了我们的食欲。

    The sea air sharpened our appetites .

  7. 没有什么比走很长的路更能激起食欲的了。

    There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite

  8. 与通常的看法相反,适度的运动事实上会降低食欲。

    Contrary to popular belief , moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite

  9. 莉莉显然已经恢复了食欲,但多兰却提不起胃口。

    Lili had clearly regained her appetite but Doran was disinterested in food .

  10. 我无法克制自己的食欲,当人们不理解而叫我贪吃鬼的时候心里别提有多难受了。

    I can 't control my eating . It 's hard when people don 't understand and call you a glutton .

  11. 不要在饭前吃糖来损害你的食欲。

    Don 't spoil your appetite by eating sweets just before dinner .

  12. 运动能增进你的食欲。

    Exercise will improve your appetite for food .

  13. 她没有食欲。

    She is suffering from lack of appetite .

  14. 埃拉在健身房锻炼以增强食欲。

    Ella had worked up an appetite in the gym .

  15. 这道菜坏了我的食欲。

    The dish spoiled my appetite .

  16. 注意颜色。研究表明,暖色能刺激我们的食欲。

    Mind the colors . Research suggests warm colors fuel our appetites .

  17. 海象食欲极大,几乎一直在猎取食物

    Walruses have enormous appetites and hunt for food almost constantly .

  18. 他发烧减轻了,但食欲仍然不振

    His fever is allayed , but his appetite is still flatted .

  19. 烤肉的美味香气刺激了我们的食欲。

    The ambrosial aroma of the roast whetted our appetites .

  20. 那块小的可怜的喜糕反而激起了他们的食欲

    The poor morsel of food only whetted desire .

  21. 专家警告称,如果症状严重,“完美食欲症”会导致体重下降、营养不良,甚至死亡。

    In its severe form , orthorexia can lead to weight loss , malnutrition and even death , experts warn .

  22. 当大多数人想减轻体重时,身体里发出的一些信号会产生反作用力,让我们食欲大增。

    When most people lose weight there are signals in the body that push back , making us want to eat more .

  23. “完美食欲症”患者花大量时间计划吃什么,抵制诱惑,如果能坚持住饮食计划就会肯定自己。

    Orthorexics spend vast amounts of their time planning their food , resisting temptation , applauding themselves when they stick to their diet .

  24. 而且吃很多薯条、两顿午餐,或是吃下一整只Nandos烤鸡也没什么不对,何必像其他人那样克制食欲的过日子呢。

    There 's nothing wrong with having loads of chips , or two lunches , or an entire Nandos chicken while everyone else has a half .

  25. “吃得更健康”,这一愿望可能会发展成强迫症。越来越多的人们患上“完美食欲症”,尤以30多岁的女性居多。

    The desire to eat more healthily can veer , with rising numbers of people - mainly women in their 30s - suffering from orthorexia nervosa .

  26. “完美食欲症”患者经常会选择放弃整类食物---错误地认为这类食物不健康,或者自己的身体不耐受,因此身体就会缺乏必须的营养和维生素。

    Sufferers typically cut out entire food groups - often in the mistaken belief they are unhealthy or their bodies are intolerant to them - thereby depriving themselves of essential nutrition and vitamins .

  27. 我们亦有为酒店餐饮部(HotelFood&Beverage)提供拍摄服务,惹味卖相能引起顾客食欲。

    We are also provide photography service to Hotel Food & Beverage Department .

  28. BeConsistent良好的饮食习惯吃早饭,饮食规律。这样做有助于稳住食欲,不至于让饥饿感吞噬了你。

    Eating breakfast and regularly scheduled meals keeps hormone levels steady and quashes hunger pangs .

  29. 目的探讨增食因子A和B在肥胖抵抗大鼠食欲调节中的作用。

    Objective In order to explore the role of orexin A , B in appetite regulation of diet-induced obesity resistant ( DIO-R ) rats .

  30. 心理学家MeredithYoung发现,女士在和男士一起用餐时食欲有所控制。

    According to psychologist Meredith Young , women eat less if there are men around .