
  • 网络Chin Sheng-t'an;Jin Shentan
金圣叹 [jīn shèng tàn]
  • [Jin Shengtan] (1608-1661) 吴县(今江苏苏州市)人。名采,字若采。明亡后,改名为人瑞,号圣叹。一说本姓张。为明、清之际文学评论家。明诸生。入清后,以哭庙案被杀。少有才名,喜批书。曾以《离骚》、《庄子》、《史记》、《杜诗》、《水浒》、《西厢记》合称《六才子书》,为各书进行批点。他所批改的《水浒》颇有独到见解,也表达了反对农民起义的立场。又能诗,著有《沉吟楼诗选》

  1. 金圣叹批评《水浒传》二题

    Two questions about Jin shentan ′ s criticism on Water Margin

  2. 金圣叹文学鉴赏主体论

    On J in Shengtan 's Theory of Subjectivity in Literary Appreciation

  3. 金圣叹与弗洛伊德的文学创作心理论之比较

    A Comparative Study in Literary Psychology : JIN Sheng-tan and Sigmund Freud

  4. 金圣叹在建立中国古典小说美学方面,起了关键的作用。

    Jin Sheng-tan plays a key role in establishing Chinses classical novels .

  5. 金圣叹的小说结构技巧论初探

    Discussion on the Structural Skills and Technics of Jin Sheng-tan 's Novels

  6. 四是金圣叹其它小说理论对人物性格理论的影响。

    King 's influences King shengtan 's theory on characters ' natures .

  7. 金圣叹小说评点的叙述学研究

    How to study ? Research of Narratology on Jin Shengtan 's Novel Comment

  8. 第三章探讨金圣叹论小说构思。

    Chapter three · the theory of novel conception .

  9. 金圣叹评点《水浒传》之价值分析

    A Value Analysis about Jin Shengtan 's Comment on Heroes of the Marshes

  10. 金圣叹的评点对后人的影响也是显而易见的。

    The influence of he to posterity is clear .

  11. 其二、金圣叹的人物性格理论是系统的。

    Second , MR King 's theory is systematical .

  12. 论金圣叹对诗的解析

    On Jin Shengtan 's Analytical Approach of Poetry

  13. 金圣叹的修辞鉴赏理论初探

    Jin Shengtan 's Rhetoric Theory of Appreciation

  14. 金圣叹与李渔戏剧结构论比较

    A Comparison on the Thought of Drama Structure between Jin Shengtan 's and Lee Yu 's

  15. 金圣叹的文法理论

    Jin Shengtan 's Theory on Writing

  16. 重视读者的审美心理&金圣叹小说叙事技法再探

    Attaching Great Importance to Readers'Aesthetic Psychology & on the Narrative Techniques of Jin Shengtan 's Novel

  17. 金圣叹是并非反抗的叛徒还是清议运动的代表&试比较鲁迅与胡适的批评

    Is Jin Shengtan " a Non-anti traitor " or " a Representative Figure of Talking Movement "

  18. 金圣叹对小说理论批评发展的贡献&评金批《水浒》的特点

    Jin Shengtan 's Contributions to the Theories and Criticism in the History of the Development of Novel

  19. 中国古代小说评点简论&兼论金圣叹在文学批评史上的地位

    On Chinese Ancient Fiction Comment

  20. 由此也就可以重新论定金圣叹在中国文学批评史中的地位。

    Therefore , the Jin 's status in the history of Chinese literature criticism can be newly oriented .

  21. 在中国古代小说美学的发展历程中,金圣叹无疑是做出重大贡献的一位小说理论批评家。

    This is benefitial to build the fictional aesthetics with our national features and enrich our countrys literature theory .

  22. 本文从叙事学角度对《西厢记》金评进行阐释,从中可看出金圣叹的叙事理论具有重要的理论价值。

    With referring to narratology , this paper explains Jin 's narrative theory and expounds his important theoretical value .

  23. 金圣叹的文学接受理论初探&以其戏曲小说评点为例

    Study on the literary acceptance theories of Jin Shengtan & centred in his criticizing and assessing dramas and novels

  24. 金圣叹对杜甫诗歌解读方法探析&《杜诗解》的再解读

    A Probe into Jin Shengtan 's Methods of Analyzing Du Fu 's Poetry & A Re-Analysis on Du Shi Jie

  25. 以往金圣叹研究往往忽视了金圣叹评点高度的个人风格。

    Former Chin Sheng-t ' an studied often neglects Chin Sheng-t ' an to critically punctuate the high individual style .

  26. 朱自清与金圣叹二人都提倡对文本做细致的解析,都注重文本细读的重要意义。

    Qing and tan two have advocated doing detailed analysis of the text , focus on the importance of close reading .

  27. 文法理论是金圣叹文学评点的核心理论,有着深远的理论渊源。

    The theory on writing is the core in Jin Shengtan 's literature commentary theory . It has far-reaching theory origins .

  28. 20世纪金圣叹在中国学术视野中的身份与地位随百年来中国学术观念与范畴的转换而不断转换。

    Jin shengtan 's identity and status had been changed along with the transfers of national academic ideas and conceptions in 20th century .

  29. 第四章以金圣叹的小说、戏曲评点为例,来说明文章学视野的影响。

    The fourth paragraph explains the influence of the view of article subject by illustrating Jin 's comments on the novels and opera .

  30. 金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。

    Jin Shengtan regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life .