
jīn shǔ diàn jí
  • metal electrode
  1. 本论文系统地研究了以上两种锂电极改性方法分别对锂金属电极电化学行为及其在锂电池中性能的影响,并对这两种新型锂电极改性方法的作用机制进行了分析。

    In the work , it was systemically studied that the effects of two suggested modifying ways on electrochemical characteristics of lithium metal electrode and its behaviors in lithium cell .

  2. 复合金属电极在工业发酵pH检测中的应用

    Application Mulriple Metal Electrode on pH Measurement in Fermentation

  3. 日光灯通常是一根两端装有金属电极的管子。

    A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end .

  4. 金属电极电还原CO2的研究进展

    Review of electrochemical reduction of CO_2 at metal electrodes

  5. 为消除金属电极对不同模式光吸收的影响,选择较大的p包层厚度(1.4μm)。

    Thicker p-clading layer , about 1.4 μ m , is selected to avoid metal electrode influence on different mode absorption .

  6. 表面处理对FED薄膜型金属电极性能的影响

    Influence of Surface Treatment on FED Metal-film Electrodes Properties

  7. 含Bi层状钙钛矿型铁电薄膜在金属电极上的非c轴取向生长研究

    Non-c - axis oriented growth of ferroelectric thin films of bismuth-layered perovskite on metal electrodes

  8. 电子自金属电极向Fe~(3+)(H2O)6离子转移的几率

    Electronic transmission probability from the metal electrodes to fe  ̄( 3 + )( h_2o ) _6ion

  9. 同时,高k阻挡层和大功函数的金属电极一起能够有效的抑制擦除饱和现象。

    Meanwhile , the high k blocking layer along with the high work function metal electrode can effectively suppress the erase saturation .

  10. 大面积金属电极腐蚀电位随时间变化的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Corrosion Potential of Big Square Metal Electrode

  11. 贱金属电极与PTC陶瓷相容性的研究

    A comparison study of base metal electrod and PTC

  12. 研究了在Hg(Ag)、Pt、Sb、W4种金属电极上的零电流示波双电位中和滴定法。

    Zero - current oscillographic potentiometric neutralization titration on two indicator electrodes was studied .

  13. 最后,整个系统就可将连接ZnO纳米线阵列与金属电极的两根金属导线感应出的交变电流转换为直流电流输出。

    Finally , by connecting ZnO nanowire arrays and metal electrodes two metal wire induction out of the alternating current into dc current output .

  14. TFT阵列金属电极的制备与性能

    Preparation and Characterization of Metal Films in TFT Array

  15. 贱金属电极MLCC用低失真介质陶瓷材料

    Low Distortion Dielectric Ceramics for Base - Metal - Electrode MLCC

  16. 结果与金属电极表面不同,它能够有效的改变裸金电极上CO2的还原机理,电化学产物包含甲酸。

    The results was different from the metal electrodes ' . It can change the mechanism on the metal electrode surface effectively . Electrochemical products contained formic acid .

  17. 同时也表明SERS谱可用于研究生物分子在金属电极表面的吸附行为。

    The result also indicates that the SERS technique can be used to characterize adsorptions of bio-molecules at electrochemical interfaces .

  18. 实验结果表明,由简单地调节夹于两金属电极镜面之间的PPV层厚度可实现微腔效应。

    Experimental results show that microcavity effect can be performed simply by adjusting the PPV layer thickness sandwiched between two metallic mirrors .

  19. 电极化不仅改善了PVDF薄膜的压电性,还通过界面化学键合作用提高了聚合物薄膜与金属电极间的粘附性。

    The results indicate that the piezoelectricity of PVDF thin films and adhesion between polymer thin film and metal electrode are improved by electric poling and chemical bond joint , respectively .

  20. 在镀上金属电极前,对CdTe表面进行化学蚀刻是制备高效率碲化镉薄膜太阳电池的关键技术之一。

    One of the important technic in the production of high efficiency thin-film CdTe solar cells is the CdTe film surface chemical etching before deposition of a metallic contact .

  21. 在考虑到Pentacene分子的碳原子中的唯一个活跃的π电子的情况下,从理论上研究了两端接有金属电极的Pentacene分子带的Ballistic传导特性。

    The conductance characteristics of the pentacene molecular tap with the metal electrodes has been researched theoretically by considering only one π orbital electron per carbon atom .

  22. 多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)由几百层多层介质材料和金属电极叠加构成,对热应力十分敏感。

    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors ( MLCC ), in which hundreds of dielectric layers and internal electrodes are alternately stacked , are sensitive to thermal stress .

  23. 研究发现这些自发形成的肖特基二极管是由于单根ZnO纳米线与两个金属电极的非对称接触形成的,这些二极管的输运性质很大程度上依赖于纳米线的尺寸。

    The study found that the spontaneous formation of the Schottky diode is due to the asymmetric contact formation between the single ZnO nanowires and the two metal electrodes , these diodes of the transport properties depend greatly on the nanowire dimensions .

  24. 另外,我们通过将对称的OPE分子连接在左右两端非对称金属电极上,以构建分子器件,利用第一性原理方法计算其输运性质。

    In addition , we constructed molecular devices based on a molecule coupling with both metal electrodes with different materials and investigated their transport properties by the first-principles method .

  25. 如此薄的LiF不足以保护活性层在蒸镀金属电极时免受高温金属原子的破坏,也不能有效地阻挡氧气和水分子扩散进入活性层。

    Such a thin layer of LiF cannot efficiently protect the underlying active layer from damage during the evaporation of hot cathode metal atoms , and also cannot provide sufficient protection against the diffusion of oxygen and water .

  26. 最后一个模型是由两个平行耦合的量子点和正常金属电极以及超导电极所构成的多个Aharonov-Bohm环。

    The last model is the multi Aharonov-Bohm ring constructed by two parallel coupled quantum dot with normal metal lead and superconductor lead which pierced by magnetic flux .

  27. 介绍了通讯设备过流保护用低阻PTC元件的研究过程,发现TiO2粒度、工艺参数、金属电极以及封装形式对低阻PTC元件的电性能有较大影响。

    In Chinese . The low resistance PTC thermistor for over current protection in communication equipment is studied . The results show that the electrical properties are influenced by TiO 2 particle size , technological parameters , metal electrodes , package type , etc.

  28. 从文献上来看,已研究过的活性阴极包括贵金属电极、RaneyNi电极、镀钴电极、镍合金电极等。

    So developing a high activity and good stability material will be an important research goal , from previous documents , study many active cathodes including noble metal electrode , Raney Ni electrode , cobalt coating electrode , nickel alloy electrode , etc.

  29. 金属电极采用Au-Ni合金,并进行快速退火合金化处理以保证其欧姆接触,退火温度最佳为380℃。

    Au-Ni alloy was used for preparing the metal electrodes . The best annealing temperature is 380 ℃ for ensuring ohmic contact .

  30. 在此基础上,我们研究了热处理工艺、金属电极功函数差、金属与绝缘层接触面积对MIM二极管电学性能的影响。

    We also studied the influence of the thermal oxidation process , the work function difference between the metal electrode and the contact area between the metal layers and the insulator layer to the electrical properties of the MIM diodes .