
fēi xínɡ rèn wù
  • flying commission
  1. 美国国家航空航天局希望未来的载人飞行任务能更长久、更可持续的存在。

    Nasa wants future crewed missions to be much longer and much more sustainable .

  2. 美国国家航空航天局还将太空探索公司可靠的轨道飞行任务记录作为中标因素之一。

    Nasa also cited the proven record of orbital missions by Elon Musk 's SpaceX firm as a factor in the award .

  3. 调查相关人员表示,神舟十二及后续三次飞行任务的航天员受邀对数百种特制食物进行品尝并打分。

    Sources with knowledge of the survey said that astronauts in the Shenzhou XII mission and crews for the next three spaceflights were invited to taste hundreds of specially prepared foods and beverages and then score them .

  4. 发动机飞行任务剖面Fuzzy聚类分析

    Fuzzy clustering analysis of gas turbine engine mission profiles

  5. 基于智能Agent的小型无人机自主飞行任务管理器的设计

    Intelligent Agent-Based Design and Implementation of Autonomous Task Manager for Small UAVs

  6. GPS在航天器编队飞行任务中的基础性作用

    GPS Playing A Basic Rule in Multi-Spacecraft Formation Flying Missions

  7. 载人航天飞行任务USB测控网优化配置解决方案

    Optimized Distribution Strategy of USB TT & C Network in Manned Space Missions

  8. 结合Agent技术的飞行任务规划GDSS研究

    Study of mission planning group decision support system based on Agent technology

  9. 基于HLA的航天飞行任务联合仿真系统设计

    Design of HLA-based United Simulation System for Space Flight Missions

  10. 基于PETRINETS的无人机自主飞行任务管理系统

    Design of Mission Management System for Autonomous Flight of UAV based on Petri Nets

  11. 弗拉纳根现在依旧在美国海军预备役(NavalReserve)负责飞行任务。在成为航空公司飞行员后,他保留了这种心态。

    Flanagan , who still flies in the Naval Reserve , kept that mindset when he became an airline pilot .

  12. NASA已经承诺,只要两家公司通过认证,每家公司至少能获得两次飞行任务。

    Once the companies are certified , NASA has promised each at least two missions .

  13. 如果NASA给两家公司各分配了六次飞行任务,它将按合同金额的全款支付费用。

    The full contract amounts will be paid if NASA orders six missions from each company .

  14. NASA和ESA有多项相关飞行任务正在研制之中。

    There are several missions related to solar sail being studied by NASA and ESA .

  15. 它以空测的重心过载数据为基础,经过数据处理后,建立对应于每个飞行任务的Markov矩阵。

    Based on load factors at centre of gravity measured in flights , the software creates Markov matrix corresponding to each flight mission after processing the data .

  16. 为了满足飞行任务实时性的要求,必须考虑人机界面,特别在CPDLC(ControllerPilotDataLinkCommunication)通信中。

    To meet the real time requirement in flight missions , or more specifically , in Controller Pilot Data Link Communication ( CPDLC ), human-machine interfaces have to be considered .

  17. 这是半个世纪来美国宇航局NASA日程上首次没有载人太空飞行任务。

    For the first time in half a century , the space agency Nasa has no manned space flights on its agenda .

  18. 随后,连城航空指定了另一名驾驶员完成了本次空客A320的飞行任务。

    Citilink assigned a new pilot to fly the Airbus A320 about an hour behind schedule .

  19. 那些手头吃紧的军队则常常购买高端涡轮螺旋桨飞机来执行ISR及其他飞行任务,而许多国家都会避免拥有一支纯粹由昂贵的喷气战机组成的机队。

    Less affluent militaries often buy high-end turboprop aircraft to conduct ISR and other flights , and many eschew owning a fleet of expensive jet fighters altogether .

  20. 为期11天的分飞行任务为国际空间站补充了补给。这是最后的航天飞机项目之一。在亚特兰蒂斯号在晨曦中缓慢滑行着陆时,指挥官CharlesHobaugh对如此好的天气进行了评价。

    The U.S. space shuttle As Atlantis glided toward a landing in the morning sunshine , commander Charles Hobaugh commented on the favorable weather .

  21. Hall推进器具有高效率、高比冲以及高可靠性等优点,自从1970年成功研制以来,已经广泛用于各种实际飞行任务中,成为世界各航天大国电推进装置研究中的热点。

    Due to its high efficiency , high specific impulse , and reliability , Hall thruster has been widely applied in orbit missions and space explorations . It intrigues the world wide interests in the electric propulsion field since it had been successfully developed in 1970 .

  22. 两架B-52轰炸机在例行飞行任务中飞越中日两国存在争议的岛屿。

    The two B-52 warplanes flew a routine training mission over disputed island chain claimed by both Japan and China .

  23. 在同名小说和电影中,catch-22指空军部队的一条军规,它规定“只有疯子可以免于执行轰炸的飞行任务”。

    In the book and movie , the phrase refers to an Air Force ruling that only a crazy person would make an extremely dangerous bombing run without trying to get out of it .

  24. 在着陆前,此次飞行任务的主管们表示,着陆器需要固定,因为彗星67P的引力太小,无法让“飞来号”紧紧固定。

    Before the landing , mission managers said anchoring would be needed because 67P 's gravitational pull is too weak to hold Philae firmly in place .

  25. 根据器件及单片机系统在轨单粒子翻转率与“零翻转”可靠度的关系,量化地评估了该芯片及所属系统应用于不同飞行任务时的抗单粒子翻转(SEU)性能。

    According to the relationship between SEU rate of device & single chip system and the survival probability of zero upset , the quantitatively evaluation of the resistance capability to SEU for the chip and its system during various flying mission was made .

  26. CZ-2F火箭遥测仿真系统作为地面逃逸判决软件的测试系统已经成功地应用在载人航天工程首次载人飞行任务中。

    As a testing system of ground escape judgement software , the telemetry simulation system of CZ-2F launch vehicle has been successfully used in the mission of launching the first manned spacecraft for manned spacecraft astronautical engineering .

  27. 发动机飞行任务剖面的主成份聚类法

    The Principal Component Analysis Method for Engine Flight Mission Profiles Categorization

  28. 航空发动机飞行任务剖面统计规律研究

    Study of the Statistical Rules for Flight Mission Profiles of Aero-Engine

  29. 他在巴尔干上空执行飞行任务时被击落。

    He was shot down during a mission over the balkans .

  30. 基于模拟飞行任务下的眼动指标分析

    Analysis on Eye Movement Indices Based on Simulated Flight Task