- Flywire;fly line

Effect of annealing on fly line structure and properties of titanium steel explosive composite sheet
The effect of annealing on fly line structure and properties in titamium steel explosive composite sheet was investigated .
The Flying Line in the Explosive-Welded Composite Metals
Some tests with many sorts of metals combination under symmetrical impact explosion welding were studied , and a sort of flying line-adiabatic shear line in those metals combination was obtained .
If needed , mend the line that remains on the water to avoid drag .
Floating line is easy to control and the monofilament leader isn 't nearly as vulnerable to drag as weighted lines .
Except for exceptionally fast and deep water , a floating line with an eight to ten foot leader will work well .
Keep as much line off the water as possible by raising the rod tip and stripping in line as the streamer drifts towards you .
By mending towards stronger current the streamer will speed up , a mend into the slower water will cause the fly to slow and sink deeper in the water column .
Some questions such as dynamic detection for slab and shear chin position , positional error treatment and fixed length crop control etc. during shearing of 550 Flying Shear Line in AISC No. 1 Primary Rolling Plant are described .
The control system structure and components in the hot rolled fly shear process are introduced , and the controller design and algorithm have been presented as well as discussed on its realisation by the field controller .