
fēi jiàn
  • splash;spatter;gabble;sparging
飞溅 [fēi jiàn]
  • [splash] 向四外溅出

  • 浪花飞溅

飞溅[fēi jiàn]
  1. 脉冲MIG焊以其轴向性好、飞溅小、焊缝成形美观等特有的优点在焊接领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Pulsed MIG welding is widely used for its characteristics of good direction transition , less material splash and nice welding appearance .

  2. 同时LaNiO3~δ颗粒悬浮在阳极Ag微小熔池中,增加了熔融Ag的粘度,有利于降低Ag熔滴的飞溅,减少了电弧烧损。

    Meanwhile the particles of LaNiO_3 suspended in the melt pool increased the viscosity of the melt , which , in turn , helped for reducing the splash of melt drop and the arc erosion .

  3. 她一下子撞到侍者身上,弄得他托盘里的饮料四处飞溅。

    She crashed into a waiter and his tray of drinks went flying .

  4. 剑砍在石地上,火星飞溅。

    The sword struck sparks off the stone floor .

  5. 有几个人被飞溅的玻璃击中。

    Several people were hit by flying glass .

  6. 一朵小小的浪花飞溅在我的脸上,紧接着更多的浪涌过来。

    A little wave , the first of many , splashed in my face

  7. 一大串火星四处飞溅。

    Showers of sparks flew in all directions .

  8. 熊熊烈火灼裂了玻璃窗,碎玻璃飞溅到了下面的街道上。

    The intensity of the blaze shattered windows , spraying glass on the streets below

  9. 浪花飞溅到船上。

    The waves splashed on the ship .

  10. 波浪飞溅到海滩上。

    The waves splashed on the beach .

  11. 用具有可饱和电感的逆变器减小CO2焊飞溅

    Reducing Spatter for CO 2 Welding Using Inverter with Satiable Inductor

  12. 提高CO2焊接引弧性能及减少飞溅的研究

    Striking performance increased and spatter reduced for co_2 arc welding

  13. 基于偏最小二乘回归方法的CO2焊飞溅模型

    Spatter model of CO_2 arc welding based on partial least-square regression method

  14. 外加磁场对CO2焊飞溅的控制机理

    Outside magnetic field control to spatter of CO2 arc welding

  15. CO2气体保护焊飞溅的实用控制技术

    Practical Spatter Control Technique in CO_2 Gas Shield Welding

  16. 减少短路过渡CO2焊接飞溅新途径

    A New Approach to Reducing Metal Spattering in Short Circuiting CO_2 Arc Welding Process

  17. 利用软件对CO2焊接飞溅进行平滑处理。

    The spatters of CO2 welding are smoothed to get rid of by a software .

  18. CO2气体保护焊是一种高效、优质的焊接工艺方法,但是其在焊接过程中存在的大量飞溅和焊缝成型差这两个问题制约着CO2焊的推广。

    CO2 gas shield arc welding is a high efficient and high qualitative welding method .

  19. 基于电弧声波特征的CO2焊接飞溅预测

    The Model of Spatter Prediction in CO_2 Arc Welding Based on the Character of Sound Signal

  20. 强规范条件下CO2焊飞溅产生机理的研究

    A Study of the Generative Mechanism of CO_2 Welding Spattering under the Condition of a High Current

  21. IGBT逆变低飞溅CO2焊机的研究

    Research of IGBT inverter low spatter CO_2 welding machine

  22. IGBT逆变弧焊电源对CO2焊接飞溅的控制

    Control of CO_2 arc welding spatter with IGBT inverter arc welding power source

  23. 报告Al及Al合金在舟山海域的飞溅区、潮差区和全浸区3种试验条件下暴露2、4、8年的腐蚀结果及其在海水环境中的腐蚀行为。

    Corrosion results of aluminium alloys exposed to tide zone ? splash zone and continuous immersion zone for 2 ? 4 ?

  24. 本文精确分析CO2焊飞溅产生的机理,在此基础上探讨了短路过渡过程的控制策略。

    In this paper , basing on analyzing the reasons for splashing of CO2 welding the control project of short circuiting transfer is probing .

  25. 在短路过渡的CO2焊接过程中其飞溅大、焊缝成形差的缺点阻碍了它的推广应用。

    The defects of big welding spatter and making bad welding seam form obstruct the popularization of CO2 welding short circuit transition .

  26. 分析了CO2气体保护焊短路过渡飞溅产生的机理,阐述了导致飞溅产生的三个重要过程,即瞬时短路、液桥缩颈后爆断和重新燃弧时冲击熔池。

    Based on the analysis of mechanism of spatter generation during short circuiting transfer , three types of spatter process in CO2 arc welding are examined .

  27. 在CO2气体保护焊过程中,利用表面张力过渡方法解决焊接过程中的飞溅问题时,准确地提取缩颈形成时刻这一信息是非常关键的。

    It is vital for reducing the spatter with surface tension transfer methods in CO_2 arc welding to extract the information of necking down .

  28. 建立了一套活性CO2气体保护焊焊接试验系统,并对其电弧行为、熔滴过渡、焊接飞溅、焊缝成型进行了实验研究。

    A activated co2-gas shielding arc welding experiment system is built and arc behavior , material transfer , welding spatters , welding beam are studied .

  29. 样机试验结果表明,此智能控制系统能显著改善CO2焊机性能,降低焊接飞溅。

    The testing results show that the developed self optimizing control system obviously improve the performance of CO 2 welding machine and reduce welding spatter .

  30. 通过CBT方法开发低热输入低飞溅CO2/MAG交流焊接系统

    Development of low heat input and spatter reduction CO_2 / MAG alternating current welding system by controlled bridge transfer process