
fēi zhì zǐ róng jì
  • aprotic solvent
非质子溶剂[fēi zhì zǐ róng jì]
  1. 在非质子溶剂中竹红菌甲素敏化光氧化胆红素

    Hypocrellin A sensitized photooxidation of bilirubin in aprotic solvent

  2. 与非质子溶剂相比,在极性质子溶剂中具有更大的发射波长和荧光强度。

    Compared with aprotic solvent , they had longer emission wavelength and higher fluorescent intensity in protic solvent .

  3. 非质子溶剂凝胶法快速制备纳米TiO2

    Quick Synthesis of TiO_2 Nano-powder by Sol-Gel Method in Aprotic Solvent

  4. 如DMF和DMSO等极性非质子溶剂就是具有上述两种集团结构的优良溶剂。

    DMF and DMSO are good solvents with the above group structures .

  5. 在非质子溶剂中,以氢氧化钾为缩合剂,用溴代正了烷和苯乙酰胺进行N烃基化,合成了照相级N正丁基N苯乙酰胺。

    In non-protonic solvent , with potassium hydroxide as condensation agent , N-alkylation has been carried out with bromo-n-butane and monoacetylaniline , and a photographic grade N-butyl-N - phenylacetamide has been synthesized .

  6. 本研究用集团结构适应性理论探讨了Cl~-+CH3I反应在十一种质子溶剂和极性非质子溶剂中的溶剂效应机理。实验表明,亲核试剂Cl~-越游离,反应速率就越大。

    The solvent effects of the reaction CH3I + Cl - on 11 solvents have been investigated with the help of the adaptability theory of group structure .

  7. 结果表明,在低浓度的非质子溶剂中邻甲苯胺正离子主要发生尾-尾耦合,其电极反应机理为包含随后转化步骤的反应过程,即ECE历程。

    Experimental results indicate that low parent concentration and nonaqueous solvents are in favor of substituted benzidine produced by tail-tail coupling of cation radicals . The electrode process is considered to be followed by ECE mechanism .

  8. 几种二醇与非质子溶剂相互作用的红外光谱研究

    Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Interactions of the Diols with Aprotic Solvents

  9. 极性非质子溶剂与甲醇或1,2-二氯乙烷的汽液平衡

    Vapor-liquid equilibrium for some polar aprotic solvents with methanol or 1,2-dichloroethane

  10. 某些极性非质子溶剂对SO2的高效吸收

    Efficient absorption of sulfur dioxide by some polar non - proton solvents

  11. 结果表明,随着非质子溶剂极性的增大,反应活性增加。

    The results show that the activity increases with the rise of polarity of nonprotic solvent .

  12. 非质子溶剂中丙烯环氧化反应

    Propylene epoxidation in nonprotic solvent

  13. 利用异氰酸酯与氨基杂环化合物在无水非质子溶剂中发生亲核加成反应,制得目标化合物。

    Target compounds have been synthesized by condensation of the amino heterocycle with isocyanates in absolutely anhydrous and aprotic solvent .

  14. 共聚物易溶于氯仿及DMF和DMSO等强极性非质子有机溶剂中。

    Ly polar organic solvents such as DMF , DMSO and NMP at room temperature .

  15. 以KOH为催化剂,在极性非质子性溶剂中,以较高收率合成了反-4-苯乙烯基吡啶及其衍生物。

    Trans 4 styrylpyridine and its derivatives were prepared with high yields in polar non protonic solvent with potassium hydroxide as catalyst .

  16. 研究发现,在质子性溶剂中1-丁烯环氧化反应活性高于非质子性溶剂,而以甲醇为溶剂H2O2转化率最高。

    Epoxidation activity is better in protic solvents than that in nonprotic solvents , and the conversion of H_2O_2 is the highest using methanol as solvent .

  17. PI-2不仅可以溶解于极性非质子性溶剂中,而且在许多常规溶剂中也具有优良的溶解性能。

    PI-2 was soluble not only in polar aprotic solvents , but in many common solvents .

  18. 具有较低介电常数的非质子惰性溶剂二甲苯是Kolbe-Schmitt反应合适的溶剂。

    An aprotic solvent with low dielectric constant such as xylene is the suitable solvent for the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction .

  19. 可能的解释是在高介电常数的非质子性溶剂中(如DMSO,DMF),溶剂参与了反应,促使磺酸酯发生S&O断裂,生成的~OCH2R'与酰氟作用而得酯。

    A possible interpretation is that in the aprotic solvents with high dielectric constant ( such as DMSO , DMF ), the solvent molecules may participate in an initial S-O scission , followed by the attack of the resulting R '_FCH_2O on acyl fluoride to give the ester .

  20. 在非质子性溶剂,镁对频纳醇与醛和酮的还原耦合反应也有一定效果。

    In aprotic solvents magnesium effects pinacol reductive coupling of aldehydes and ketones .

  21. 聚合物溶解性能好,除了溶于浓硫酸外,还可以溶于其它极性非质子型溶剂。

    And the polymers soluble in except the polarity of sulfuric acid outside the protons type solvent .

  22. 易溶于氯仿、二甲基乙酰胺等多种极性非质子有机溶剂。

    It is dissolved in many kinds of dipolar aprotic organic solvents such as NMP , DMAc , DMSO , sulfolane .

  23. 在非水质子溶剂和有机-水溶液中有机酸的酸碱平衡常数测定精度与质子浓度的测定精度密切相关。

    The precision of acidity constant pKa determination in protic organic solvents or in water-organic solvent mixtures depend on the precision of proton concentration determination .

  24. 以双酚A和4,4′-双(3-硝基苯二甲酰亚氨基)二苯醚在非质子极性溶剂中的取代反应合成了聚醚酰亚胺(PEI),并对其结构作了鉴定。

    Polyetherimide ( PEI ) was synthesized from Bisphenol A and 4 , 4 ' - bis ( 3-nitrophthalimido ) diphenyl ether by the nitro-displacement reaction in a polar aprotic solvent , and its structure was identified .

  25. 在碱金属亚硝酸盐和碳酸盐存在下,被强吸电子基团取代的硝基苯在非质子极性溶剂中能发生自身缩合反应,生成结构对称的双取代二苯醚,收率较高。

    In the present of alkali nitrite and carbonate , some nitrobenzenes substituted by strongly electron withdrawing groups undergo a self condensation in an aprotic polar solvent to give symmetrical disubstituted diphenyl ethers in good yields .

  26. 该共缩聚型聚酰亚胺在非质子强极性溶剂中均具有良好的溶解性,玻璃化温度(Tg)大于250℃,10%的热分解温度(Td)为5197℃。

    The copolyimide was very soluble in strong polar aprotic solvents . Its glass transition temperature was above 250 ℃ and 10 % thermal decomposition temperature was 519.7 ℃ .

  27. DDBT与DSDA、6FDA反应得到的聚酰亚胺在非质子强极性溶剂中具有良好的溶解性。

    DL / g , are observed to be soluble in strong polar solvents .

  28. 玻璃化转变温度高于300℃,热失重温度高于500℃。同时,聚合物在常用非质子有机极性溶剂中具有优良的溶解性能。

    The data of DSC and TG show that the copolymers possess excellent thermal performance , glass transition temperature over 300 ℃, thermal weight loss temperature higher than 500 ℃ and superior solubility in conventional organic aprotic polar solvents .

  29. 溶剂由其极性的大小被归类为非极性、极性非质子溶剂与极性质子溶剂。

    The solvents are grouped into non-polar , polar aprotic , and polar protic solvents and ordered by increasing polarity .