
  • 网络Enzyme;Oxidase;SOD
  1. 此外,与清除活性氧有关的酶类如SOD、CAT,其活性在低盐下要高于对照。

    Besides , reactive oxygen scavenging enzymes such as SOD . CAT , were stimulated by low NaCl .

  2. 羧肽酶B在毕酵母中的表达、纯化与活性鉴定卫星搭载啤酒酵母糖代谢相关酶类活性变化

    Expression , Purification and Characterization of Carboxypeptidase B in Pichia Pastoris ; Activity Changes of Carbohydrate Metabolism Related Enzymes of S. cerevisiae after A Satellite Flight

  3. 结论非酶类物质AAQ-2可消除抗坏血酸对尿酸测定的干扰。

    Conclusion AAQ-2 was proven to be a suitable quencher of ascorbic acid in clinical samples .

  4. 对保护酶类的初步分析显示:低温处理后SOD酶活性与CAT酶活性的降低与抗寒性密切相关。

    Analysis of protective enzyme indicates SOD activity and decrease of CAT activity are closely related with cold resistance .

  5. 基质金属蛋白酶家族(Matrixmetalloproteinases,MMPs)是降解细胞外基质的主要酶类之一。

    Matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ) is a main enzyme to degrade extracelluar matrix .

  6. 硝基化和氧化相关酶类iNOS和COX-2与血液系统恶性肿瘤

    Relationship between nitration and oxidation related enzymes iNOS , COX-2 and hematological malignancies

  7. POD与梨果肉酶促褐变的相关性显著高于其它酶类和非酶类物质。

    The correlation of PPO to enzymatic browning in fruits was higher than that with enzymes and non-enzymes .

  8. 自由基清除剂分酶类清除剂(抗氧化酶)与非酶类清除剂两大类。它清除过氧自由基剂的作用超过维生素C和GSH,这些有名的自由基清除剂。

    There are two kinds of the scavengers for free radicals in the organism , namely enzymes ( Antioxidative enzymes ) and non-enzyme compounds .

  9. 当研究人员们控制减少酶类物质COX-2含量下降的药物,影响记忆的副作用也消失了。

    When the researchers administered drugs that reduced levels of COX-2 , the memory problems disappeared as well .

  10. 转谷氨酰胺酶是一种催化蛋白质分子交联酶类,利用其对谷朊粉乳化性进行改良,研究酶浓度、底物浓度、pH值、反应时间、反应温度对谷朊粉乳化活性和乳化稳定性影响;

    The effects of gluten concentration , transglutaminase and gluten ratio , hydrolysis time , pH value and temperature on the emulsifying properties of vital gluten was studied .

  11. 研究背景:原发性肝细胞癌(Hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)的发生和发展过程中,存在着多种癌基因,抑癌基因及其相关蛋白、相关酶类起作用。

    BACKGROUND : There are many oncogenes , anti-oncogenes , proteins and enzymes acting in the occurrence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) .

  12. 血红素加氧酶(HO)是细胞内维护自身稳定,实现细胞保护的重要酶类。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is one of the enzymes responsible for maintaining stability , and exhibiting cytoprotection roles .

  13. 这些因素通过影响GA合成中不同环节相关酶类的表达,对GA信号强度进行调节,从而对植物生长发育的各个方面产生影响。

    These cues , which control GA signal intensity via regulating the expression of genes encoding GA biosynthetic enzymes , influence many aspects of plant growth and development .

  14. 原位杂交方法观察胶原降解有关酶类:胶原酶(MMP-1)和金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂(TIMP-1)mRNA的表达。

    MRNA expressions of collagenase ( MMP-1 ) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase ( TIMP-1 ) were measured with in situ hybridization technique .

  15. 已有大量研究表明,(h)GSH的合成以及与其合成代谢相关酶类活性的提高,可增强植物对逆境的抗性。

    A large number of studies have indicated that ,( h ) GSH synthesis and its synthetic metabolism related enzymes activity enhancement , can enhance plant resistance to adversity .

  16. 降解秸秆的酶类主要是纤维素水解酶、Cx组分和β葡萄糖苷酶;

    Enzymes in straw degradation include cellulolytic enzymes , Cx enzyme , and β - glucosidase .

  17. 与GSH的代谢相关的酶类如谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)在植物抵抗Cd胁迫的过程中也发挥着重要作用。

    Enzymes associated with GSH metabolism , such as glutathione S transferase ( GST ), also play a vital role in plant resistance to various environmental stresses .

  18. 实验进一步对相关酶类做了电泳分析,表明子代在SOD酶谱带方面与双亲一致,而酯酶谱带则有所差异。

    Electrophoresis of relevant enzymes were made , which explains that descendants are in accord with their parents in the band of SOD , while , the band of EST is different .

  19. 血管紧张素转化酶(Angiotensin-ConvertingEnzyme,简称ACE)是肾素-血管紧张素系统的重要酶类,是高血压治疗的关键靶点之一。

    Angiotensin converting enzyme ( ACE ) is one of the key kinds of enzyme in resin-angiotensin system and a key target for the treatment of hypertension .

  20. MMPs是ECM降解的主要酶类,基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂&1(tissueinhibitorofmetalloproteinase-1,TIMP-I)是其重要的抑制剂。

    On the other hand , MMPs is the main enzymes to degrade ECM . Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 ( TIMP-1 ) is the main inhibitor of MMPs .

  21. 第二代为包含了红细胞酶类的化学交联Hb和利用分子遗传工程制备的重组Hb;

    The second generation of Hb were chemical cross linking Hb with enzymes of erythrocyte inside and recombinant Hb ( rHb ) prepared by molecular genetic engineering .

  22. EAU大鼠视网膜抗氧酶类变化的实验研究

    The Study of Changes of Antioxidation Enzymes in the Retina of EAU rat

  23. 辅酶Q10是一种重要的类维生素有机物,是促进生物氧化的酶类生化药物。

    The coenzyme Q10 ( Co Q10 ) is a kind of fat soluble organic matter has some important biological activity .

  24. 本文开展了60Coγ射线辐照对花魔芋酶类与球茎品质影响的研究。

    In this paper , effects of () ~ ( 60 ) Co γ ray on isozymes and qualities of Amorphophallus konjac were studied .

  25. H2O2和过氧化脲能够渗透牙釉质和牙本质并进入髓腔,髓腔内的酶类明显被抑制,但没有造成不可逆性损伤。

    H2O2 and carbamide peroxide can penetrate tooth enamel and dentin and then enter the medullary cavity . Then the enzymes were inhibited obviously , but there was no irreversible damage .

  26. MAO-B在脑内占80%,是参与体内单胺类物质代谢的主要酶类。

    MAO-B is the major enzyme in the metabolism of monoamine neurotransmitters and it accounts for eighty percent .

  27. APP17肽对糖尿病小鼠微管结构和tau蛋白磷酸化有关酶类的影响

    The effect of APP peptide on microtubular structure and enzymes related to phosphorylation of tau proteins in diabetic mice

  28. 组织化学研究表明:消化腺嗜碱性细胞富含蛋白质和RNA,消化细胞富含脂类和多种酶类:蛋白酶、非特异性酯酶、脂酶、酸性磷酸酶及碱性磷酸酶。

    Histochemical studies show the basophilic cells in the gland contain abundant protein and RNA . The digestive cells contain lipid and many kinds of enzymes : non-specific esterase , acid phosphatase , proteinase , lipase and alkaline phosphatase .

  29. 细胞内线粒体呼吸链过程中的电子漏和神经细胞代谢的酶类如单胺氧化酶(MAO)等可产生活性氧物质(ROS)如H2O2等。

    Reactive oxygen species ( ROS ), such as H2O2 , can be produced by enzymes involved in electron leakage of respiration chain in mitochondria , and by neurochemical enzymes such as monoamine oxidase in neural cells .

  30. 结论5个耐多药相关蛋白中在细胞代谢中起重要作用的酶类表达量上调;ABC转运蛋白在志贺菌诱导耐多药机制中起重要作用。

    Conclusion By mass spectrum analysis of 5 proteins related to multidrug resistance , some important cellular metabolism enzymes expressed highly , ATP binding cassette transporter protein affected seriously the mechanism of shigella flexneri multidrug resistance .