
  • 网络Sauce;dip;dressing;ketchup
  1. 把剩下的奶油掺到调味酱里。

    Mix the remaining cream in with the sauce .

  2. 还有从天堂运来的调味酱…。肯萨斯市来的。

    A sauce delivered from heaven ... From Kansas city .

  3. 哪个F号房里的天真的小宝贝把调味酱弄倒在董事身上?

    One of the cherubic little babes in her own room F'sauced'a Trustee ?

  4. 西蒙霍普金森和林赛贝尔塞姆合著的书《鸡尾酒虾年》(《ThePrawnCocktailYears》)提到原来的秘诀是在顶部淋上奶油酱和调味酱混合包。

    According to Simon Hopkinson and Lindsey Bareham 's book The Prawn Cocktail Years , the original recipe is topped with a mixture of hollandaise and bechamel sauces cut with whipped cream .

  5. 运用危害分析及关键控制点(HACCP)原理对方便面调味酱包生产过程进行了危害分析及关键控制。

    The hazard analysis and critical control points ( HACCP ) approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of instant noodle sauce .

  6. 酶法海鲜调味酱的工艺研究

    On the Technique of the Enzymatic Production of Seafood Flavouring Sauce

  7. 英国有四十二种宗教,却只有两种调味酱。

    England has forty - two religions and only two sauces .

  8. 银鱼调味酱生产技术对增发股票定价模型的探讨

    Processing of whitebait seasoned paste PRICING OF SEASONED EQUITY OFFERINGS

  9. 你们都有什么样的调味酱呢?

    Gloria : well , what kind do you have ?

  10. 草菇蒜茸调味酱的工艺研究

    Study on processing technology of flavoring paste of straw mushroom and garlic

  11. 文蛤肉的水解及文蛤调味酱的制备

    Hydrolyzation of clam meat and preparation of clam seasoning sauce

  12. 我们有意大利调味酱和蓝奶酪调味酱。

    We have Italian dressing or blue cheese dressing .

  13. 它被称作是“创业公司的秘制调味酱”。

    It has even been called the " secret sauce for startups " .

  14. 他们会喜欢我的特制调味酱

    They 're going to love my special sauce .

  15. 我们还要带蕃茄酱,芥末,调味酱,诸如此类的东西。

    And we 're bringing the ketchup , mustard , relish all that stuff .

  16. 你还没看到面食的调味酱有多少种!

    Just wait until you see how many kinds of pasta sauces there are !

  17. 紫菜花生营养调味酱

    The nutritional flavoring paste of laver and peanut

  18. 今天的食物是碾碎的干小麦,调味酱及青椒。

    Today 's meal consists of bulgur wheat , a sauce and green peppers .

  19. 这地方做的调味酱很好吃。

    That place actually makes a nice sauce .

  20. 额外的你能多给我一些调味酱吗?

    extra ( a. ) A : Could you give me some extra sauce ?

  21. 这个调味酱有柠檬味。

    This sauce savors , of lemon .

  22. 这种调味酱以西红柿为主要成分。

    The sauce has a tomato base .

  23. 少放点肉汁和调味酱

    Pour the gravy and sauces lightly .

  24. 在沙拉、调味酱和肉类中加入番茄,让它们更容易获得。

    Make them readily accessible by adding them to salads , sauces , and meats .

  25. 这调味酱有番茄味。

    This sauce tastes of tomato .

  26. 该文论述了花色调味酱、复合调味料的生产现状及其产品的品种和特点。

    The current situation , varieties , characteristics of different seasonings and complex seasonings are discussed .

  27. 我要意大利调味酱。

    I 'd like Italian dressing .

  28. 可可鸡蛋调味酱的研制

    Processing of cocoa egg dressing

  29. 银鱼调味酱生产技术银鱼油炸膨化食品生产工艺

    Processing of whitebait seasoned paste

  30. 以紫苏子、辣椒为原料,经与芝麻、豆瓣酱等进行调配而制成的调味酱,其产品酱香柔和、口感细腻、辣味中带有紫苏的清香;

    Using Perilla seed and chilli as raw materials , compound flavoring paste with gingili and soybean paste is produced .