
  • 网络Enlightened
  1. 著名的联觉者Shereshevsky(Luria,1966)就是利用他本身的联觉而成为一位记忆专家!

    One of the most famous synaesthetes , Shereshevsky ( Luria , 1966 ), actually made a living out of being a memory expert !

  2. 觉者没有存在与行动的分别。

    The Awakened One has no sense of being and doing .

  3. 觉者是谁?是观照还是至上?

    Who is the jnani ? The witness or the supreme ?

  4. 但觉者不论日夜都散发光芒。

    But all day and night , shines with radiance the Awakened One .

  5. 觉者保持静止,行动会自动发生。

    The Awakened One remains unmoving , and action arises by its self .

  6. 联觉者绝大多数是左撇子吗?

    Are synaesthetes more likely to be left handed ?

  7. 觉者无论做还是不做事情,都不尝试。

    The Awakened One whether does or does not do , does not try .

  8. 觉者已经超越了评判,因为他已经超越了思想。

    The Awakened One has moved beyond judgement , for he has gone beyond thought ;

  9. 对一个联觉者而言,会有两种以上的联觉吗?

    Is it possible for a synaesthete to have more than one type of synaesthesia ?

  10. 觉者不断地去除知识,因此持续地卸下负担,并且活在自由中。

    The Awakened One is constantly unlearning and therefore continuously unburdened , lives in freedom .

  11. 觉者允许事物像天空中的云彩一样自由地来去。

    The Awakened One allows things to come and go like clouds in the sky .

  12. 虽然不是全部,但有很多联觉者,他们的亲戚也多有联觉。

    Many , if not all , synaesthetes will have a relative who has it .

  13. 但当我们对大样本的联觉者进行分析研究时,联觉常会有显著的特色出现。

    But when we look at a very large sample of synaesthetes , significant preferences emerge .

  14. 觉者的喜悦没有理由,没有任何东西可以影响他的喜悦。

    The awakened one has no cause for his joy and therefore nothing affects his joy .

  15. 觉者向所有的人和所有的事物敞开,并且与他们和谐互动。

    The awakened one is open to all people and all situations and flows with them .

  16. 佛陀时代的觉者和我们没有两样,都是从平凡与迷惘开始。

    The enlightened Ones in Buddha Sakyamuni 's time used to be as ordinary and ignorant as us .

  17. 觉者了解世界源自空无,所以他们接纳世界的这个样子。

    The Awakened One sees the world emerging from the void ; therefore accept the world as it is .

  18. 觉者视不完美为完美,所以他接受和庆祝事物的本来样子。

    The Awakened One sees the imperfect as perfect in itself ; and hence rejoices in the way things are .

  19. 因为他接受现实世界,所以觉者立足于原始自我。

    As the Awakened One accepts the world as it is , the Awakened One is established in the primal Self .

  20. 我们把这类人称为联觉者,自从联觉现象被人类所认识以来,它已经困扰了人脑科学家们长达一个多世纪之久。

    Such people are known as synaesthetes , and the phenomenon of synaesthesia has puzzled brain scientists since it was recognised over a century ago .

  21. 例如有联觉者报告,不同类型的头痛会有不同的形状联感,透过将注意力集中在所引发的形状联感中,可借此透过疼痛。

    One synaesthete reported different shapes for different types of headache , and would focus on the shape in an attempt to control the pain .

  22. 觉者不刻意作为,但又不会让事情无法完成。因为所有事情都一刻不停的在觉醒者周围发生着、通过觉醒者发生着。

    The Awakened One does nothing : but leaves nothing undone ; for all thing are happening all the time around and through the Awakened One .

  23. 大多数的联觉者对联觉都持著正像的态度;仅有少数认为联觉会造成负面的干扰,尤其是当联感特别强烈的时后。

    Most synaesthetes are positively disposed to their synaesthesia , but for a very small number , synaesthetic perceptions may be intrusive if they are particularly intense .

  24. 一项在伦敦的研究对大样本的联觉者进行有关脑侧化及左右手惯性的问卷调查(50个问题的问卷调查)。

    A study in London has analysed a large sample of synaesthetes on a very detailed questionnaire ( 50 questions ) about various aspects of handedness and laterality .

  25. 大多数该领域的研究人员怀疑联觉者大脑里的交叉神经是是造成这种现象的原因,但目前为止研究人员尚未找到合适的途径来验证这一假设。

    Most researchers in the field suspect synaesthesia is caused by crossed wires in synaesthetes'brains , but until recently they have had no way to check this hypothesis .

  26. 其余13例,占总检查人数的6%,包括甲型色盲3人,乙型色盲3人,甲型异常三色觉者1人,乙型异常三色觉者2人和极端乙型异常三色觉者4人。

    The rest , 13 cases , constituting a total of6 % COlour defectives of the sample , consist of3 protans , 3 deutans , 1 protanomal , 2 deuteranomals and4 extreme deuteranomals .

  27. 觉者迷踪:孙师毅先生的人生与影事魔戒迷踪是一部讲述魔戒在过去50年中是怎样影响西方的通俗文化的长篇纪录电影。

    The Life and the Movies of Sun Shiyi ; Ringers : Lord of the Fans ' is a feature-length documentary that explores how " The Lord of the Rings " has influenced Western popular culture over the past 50 years .

  28. 不要忘记,红色与蓝色对红-绿色觉障碍者可不是很友好(详见前文“色觉障碍”)。

    Remember though that the combination of red and green is critical for people with red-green color deficiencies ( see color deficiency above ) .

  29. 比如,通过红光或绿光表明系统状态,这会给红-绿色觉障碍者会带来麻烦。

    For example , indicating a system status via virtual red and green lights , is a problem for people with red-green color deficiencies .

  30. 同一明度等级上、下限的变化对先天性红-绿色觉异常者的非彩色表色辨别存在影响,这种影响与明度的级别有关。

    The changes of upper limit and lower limit of the same brightness grade had effect on surface color discrimination of congenital red - green abnormal people , the effect was concerned with brightness grades .