
  1. 好了浏览过碧昂丝一晚上这四身装扮,告诉我你最喜欢哪件?

    Now , we want to know which of Beyonc é' s four Grammy looks you liked best !

  2. 四开身女西服结构设计研究

    The Pattern Design Research of Four-piece Tailored Suit

  3. 我们把范围缩小到四位候选者身上。

    We have narrowed down the list to four candidates .

  4. 身高六尺的UmaThurman穿着很漂亮的衣服穿在五尺四的人身上不会有同样的效果。

    Clothes that look great on six-foot-tall Uma Thurman are not going to look the same on the average 5 " 4 " woman .

  5. 我们计划在这个夏天先在四对夫妇身上进行实验。

    The plan is that we are going to do the first four couples sometime this summer .

  6. 第四节人身权

    Section 4 Personal Rights

  7. 对创业者来说,问题不是一日三省吾身、四省吾身,而是应该时时刻刻警醒、反省自己,惟有如此,才能时刻保持清醒。

    For the entrepreneurs , the issue is not on the provinces three times or four times , but should be alert at all times , reflect on their own , to remain sober .

  8. 第四章完善人身损害司法鉴定制度的构想。

    The fourth chapter raises the idea of perfection of personal injury judicial identification institution .

  9. 第四部分对人身损害赔偿债权的优先范围进行分析,通过国内外规定提出较为严谨的优先范围。

    In the fourth part , the reference to the existing domestic and international requirements attempt to propose more stringent priority areas of personal injury compensation claims .

  10. 但是一切为时已晚,潘多拉魔盒一旦打开便覆水难收,而且这次她又矫枉过正了,这身装扮放到任何超过四岁的孩子身上都会显得怪异不自然。

    But it was too late Pandora 's secrets don 't go back into the box and she more than overcompensated with the outfit , which would have been weird on anyone older than 4 .

  11. 从理解法典的角度来看,接续第四章侵犯人身权利的犯罪之后就规定该罪,甚至可以将其看做是一种逻辑上的转折关系。

    The offense from the point of view of reading codes , follow the crime of the fourth chapter of the assault and battery profit after provisions , and can even be seen as a turning point in a logical relationship .

  12. 第四窟门楣顶部是七幅飞天壁画,每幅各做飞天四身;

    Lintel at the top of the fourth cave are seven Feitian murals , each of the four to do Feitian ;