
  • 网络Caraway Seed;Carum carvi
  1. 把液体或颗粒洒在加入切好的土豆,撒上葛缕子籽。

    Add potato pieces and sprinkle them with caraway seeds .

  2. 你将会收到一个葛缕子油或绿薄荷油样品。

    You will be given a sample of either caraway oil or spearmint oil .

  3. 以葛缕子籽或孜然芹果为香料制成的利口酒。

    Liqueur flavored with caraway seed or cumin .

  4. 撒有芳香种子的糕饼有时带有葛缕子。

    Seed cake sometimes contains caraway seeds .

  5. 将面粉,小苏打和盐混合放到盆里。切入牛油捏成粗粒状。然后加入提子和葛缕子籽。

    In large bowl , combine flours , baking soda and salt and mix well . Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs . Then mix in raisins and caraway seeds .