
  • 网络gezhouba dam
  1. 葛洲坝原是一座古城的遗址。

    Gezhouba Dam was originally an ancient city in ruins .

  2. 葛洲坝枢纽建成后,长江鲟鱼类资源显著衰退。

    After the construction of Gezhouba Dam , sturgeon resources in Yangtze River have declined notably .

  3. 文中通过对葛洲坝水力发电厂二江电厂调速系统大量故障现象、故障原因、故障样本的收集、分析和整理,利用BP神经网络建立了水轮发电机调速系统智能诊断模型。

    This paper sets up a new fault diagnosis model of the hydraulic turbine generator governing system with the advanced ANN ( artificial neural net ) .

  4. 以《葛洲坝水泥厂分布式销售系统》为实例,说明了基于公网的VPN技术及在大型企业集团中的应用。

    In the paper , Distributed Sales System in Gezhouba Cement Plant has been exemplified to illustrate public network-based VPN technology and its applications in large enterprise groups .

  5. 介绍葛洲坝大江电厂公用RTU功能改造设计的基本思想,包括控制操作功能,数据采集及处理功能,装置自诊断功能及设备调试环境。

    The basic thought of design on the function reform of public RTU is recommended . The function reform of public RTU includes the function of device control and operation , self diagnosis , data collecting and processing , environment of debugging .

  6. 与葛洲坝水电站最优维护信息系统(HOMIS)采集到的振动监测信息进行对比分析,得到一些有意义的振动故障机理推断知识。

    Comparative analysis between the simulation with the the vibration monitoring information acquired by the Optimal Maintenance Information System for Hydropower plants ( HOMIS ), many meaningful results about vibration fault mechanism are obtained .

  7. 稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶。

    Daohuaxiang Liquor , Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea .

  8. 葛洲坝&上海直流线路的人工故障试验分析

    Analyses of the Manual Fault Tests of Ge-Shang DC Line

  9. 葛洲坝是我国在长江上兴建的第一座大型水利枢纽工程。

    Both Gezhouba Project and Three gorges dam are built in Yichang .

  10. 三峡-葛洲坝梯级电站模型中自动控制及测量系统的应用

    Application of automatic control and measurement system in TGP-GP step power station model

  11. 本文以国内的三峡葛洲坝梯级水电站作为研究对象。

    The Three-Gorges and Gezhouba cascade in china is taken as a study case .

  12. 葛洲坝集团投标战略研究

    The Research of the Bidding Strategy of C.G.G.C

  13. 葛洲坝一期工程主要建筑物的原型观测设计

    A Scheme for Prototype Observation of Main Structures in First Stage of Ge-Zhou-Ba Project

  14. 葛洲坝工程基岩变形计观测成果的分析

    Analysis of Observation Data from Bedrock Deformeter

  15. 葛洲坝二号船闸人字门启闭机四杆机构的最优设计问题多工况多级离心压缩机总体优化命题的建模与数值方法

    Modeling and Numerical method of Optimal Design Problem for Multistage Centrifugal Compressors on Multi-design Points

  16. 介绍干油润滑系统的高压化趋势、特点及其在葛洲坝船闸改造中的应用。

    Domestic and overseas research progress in technology on high-pressure liquefaction of biomass is reviewed .

  17. 葛洲坝工程是建在中国长江(扬子江)上的一个大型径流式水电站,其装机容量为2715兆瓦。

    The Gezhouba Project is a large run-of-river hydropower plant with an installed capacity of2715MW .

  18. 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程于1970年动工,分两期进行建设。

    The construction of the Gezhouba Project , including two stages , started in 1970 .

  19. 葛洲坝&上海直流输电工程可控硅换流阀

    Thyristor Valve for Ge-Shang HVDC Project

  20. 分析葛洲坝3号船闸漏水情况及补漏设计与施工。

    It analyzes the situation of leakage of No.3 Shiplock and design and construction of leak stoppage .

  21. 从葛洲坝1号机试运行情况谈水轮机调速器频率信号源的设计选择

    Selection of Frequency Signal Source for a Governor as Judged by Test Run of a Large Water Turbine

  22. 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程横跨大江、葛洲坝、二江、西坝和三江。

    Gezhouba Water Control Project across the river , the Gezhouba Dam , the River , Xiba and Sanjiang .

  23. 本文在介绍了葛洲坝库区航道的特征后,着重探讨了库区航道的泥沙及浅滩问题。

    Presented in this paper are the shoal and sand deposit problem in the channel of Gezhouba Reservoir region .

  24. 葛洲坝水利枢纽工程位于湖北省宜昌市三峡出口南津关下游约3公里处。

    Gezhouba Water Conservancy Project located in Yichang City in Hubei Province Three Gorges export Nanjinguan about three kilometers downstream .

  25. 葛洲坝电厂是我国特大型水力发电厂之一,也是典型的计划经济企业。

    Gezhouba Hydroelectric Power Plant is one of the largest Hydroelectric Power Plant , and a typical planned economy enterprise .

  26. 该方法已成功地应用于葛洲坝集团三峡三期工程大坝浇筑仿真系统中。

    The presented algorithm has been successfully used in the3D simulation software for the building-dam simulation of the Three-Gorges Project .

  27. 本文论述了WLT&2型微机励磁调节器的基本特性。通过葛洲坝二江电厂的试验,实际地考核了调节器的功能和性能。

    Experiment of the WLT-2 Type multi-microprocessor-based excitation regulators on a175MW unit at Gezhouba Second River Hydraulic Power Plant is described .

  28. 宜昌枯水水位的变化直接关系到葛洲坝船闸能否正常运行。

    The change of Yichang water level in dry season has a direct impact on the function of Gezhouba ship lock .

  29. 本文从葛洲坝电厂实际运行情况出发,研究葛洲坝电厂增加调峰的可能性。

    Based on the actual operation of Gezhouba project Power Plant , the possibility of peak regulation for the Plant is investigated .

  30. 讨论在给定葛洲坝一天下泄流量过程的情况下三峡梯级电站发电站发电的情况。

    The Three Gorges cascade has two hydropower stations at present , they are Three Gorges power station and Gezhouba power station .