
  • 网络the Battle of Gettysburg;Gettysburg campaign
  1. 葛底斯堡战役发生于1863年7月1日于7月3日,这是一场决定性且充满血腥的战役。

    The Battle of Gettysburg between July 1st and 3rd , 1863 was decisive and bloody .

  2. 南军在葛底斯堡战役中有2万士兵或死或伤,下落不明。

    Twenty thousand Confederate soldiers were killed , wounded , or listed as missing in the battle of Gettysburg .

  3. 葛底斯堡战役伤亡惨重,双方伤亡人数至少有47000。

    Casualties on both sides totaled at least 47,000 men .

  4. 他想表彰那些献身于葛底斯堡战役中的勇士们。

    He wanted to honor the brave men who had died at Gettysburg .

  5. 这是关于葛底斯堡战役的一个挺好的网址。

    There are a lot of websites about that .

  6. 他告诉林肯总统,他的儿子在葛底斯堡战役中牺牲。

    He told the president that he had lost a son in the fighting at Gettysburg .

  7. 葛底斯堡战役的发生地已用来纪念在那儿捐躯的士兵们。

    The land on which the battle of Gettysburg was fought was dedicated to the soldiers who had died there .

  8. 他当时正在读一本叫做《天使杀手》的书,这本书讲述了一名葛底斯堡战役中的士兵的故事。

    He was reading a book called The Killer Angels which told the story of soldiers in the Battle of Gettysburg .

  9. 他出席了北军葛底斯堡战役阵亡士兵在新墓地的追悼会。

    He attended the opening of a new burial place for the Union soldiers who had died in the great battle there .

  10. 葛底斯堡战役是美国内战中最大的战役,它标志着北部联邦军队取得了对南部邦联军队的战争优势,也被认为是美国内战的转折点。

    The greatest battle of the American Civil War , Gettysburg marked the northernmost advance of the Confederate forces and is considered the war 's turning point .

  11. 美利坚邦联军队在钱瑟勒斯维尔战役胜利后,李将军挥军北上,与米德率领的联邦军在葛底斯堡战役遭遇。

    After the Confederate victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville , Lee invaded the North and engaged Union forces under George Meade at the momentous Battle of Gettysburg .

  12. 上万名内战爱好者聚集在宾夕法尼亚州葛底斯堡,庆祝葛底斯堡战役150周年。

    Thousands of Civil War reenactors are gathered in Gettysburg , Pennsylvania for the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg .