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  • 【中医】Ge Hong
  1. 葛洪文艺美学思想述论

    Discussion of Ge Hong 's Aesthetic Thoughts of Literature and Art

  2. 葛洪神仙道教思想与黄老学的关系

    The relationship between Ge Hong 's immortal Taoism and Huang Lao Theory

  3. 葛洪是东晋时期非常有影响的人物。

    Ge Hong was an influential figure during the Eastern Jin dynasty .

  4. 在罗浮山景区,有一座纪念葛洪贡献的花园和纪念碑。

    A garden and a monument on Luofu Mountain commemorate Ge 's dedication .

  5. 服食异物:以葛洪为例看修行者与自然的关系

    Ingesting the Marvelous : the Practitioner 's Relationship to Nature According to Ge Hong

  6. 葛洪是我国东晋时期一位著名的道教学者、思想家。

    Ge Hong was a distinguished Taoism scholar and thinkers of the East Jin Dynasty in China .

  7. 葛洪与玄学

    Ge Hong and Metaphysics

  8. 为实现长生成仙的养生目标,葛洪建立了一套完整的养生理论和实践方法。葛洪的神仙道教养生理论是其养生实践方法的理论基础。

    For achieving that goal , Ge Hong established a complete set of theoretical basis and practice way of health-preserving .

  9. 葛洪的思想在中国哲学史上有重要的地位,对后世道教有深远的影响。

    He Hong 's thought is an important part of Chinese philosophy , and has far-reaching influence on religious Daoism .

  10. 神仙世界实际上是葛洪终极关怀思想的具体描述。

    In fact , the world of celestial beings is a concrete description of Ge Hong 's thought of ultimate concern .

  11. 葛洪在我国文学史、宗教和哲学史、美学和文学思想史上均有着独特地位。

    Ge Hong occupies a distinctive place in the history of literature , religion , philosophy , aesthetics and literary thought of our country .

  12. 葛洪的《抱朴子》是熔宗教哲学与科学技术思想为一炉的仙学名著。抚仙湖学潜水

    Ge Hong 's Pao-pu-tzu is a famous work , which integrates religious philosophy with the thinking of science and technology . DIVING IN FUXIAN LAKE

  13. 葛洪神仙道教理想的架构,受到了哪些思想的影响,有哪些特点和可贵之处?这是本文关注的焦点。

    What affects the Taoist ideal framework of Ge Hong , and what are the characteristics and values of the framework are the focuses of this article .

  14. 葛洪作为道教历史上重要的人物之一,其著作十分丰富,代表作为《抱朴子》内外篇。

    Taoist Ge Hong as one of the important people in history , his book is very rich , represented as " Bao Pu " Inner and Outer .

  15. 目前,关于晋代葛洪美学思想的研究得到了众多学者的关注,在理论方面也取得了不少建树。

    Currently , the study on the aesthetics of Ge Hong at jin dynasty received the attention of many scholars , in theory also made a lot of achievements .

  16. 然而,倘若从文化的开放性而非保守性、相济性而非排他性、多元性而非一元性去审视葛洪思想,尴尬将不复存在。

    However , if we view them in the cultural principle of open nor conservation , complementary nor exclusivity , pluralism nor monism , every embarrassing will not be exist .

  17. 关于内篇、外篇的区别,就如葛洪所言,内篇为道家著作,外篇为儒家著作。

    Articles on the inside and outside the difference between articles , as Ge Hong said , the articles for the Taoist writings , outside the articles of Confucian writings .

  18. 首先,葛洪从本体论的高度为其养生实践寻找信仰对象,阐述了以玄为核心的本体论思想。

    First of all , Ge Hong from the height of ontology to find the object of worship for the health-preserving , described as " xian " as the core ontological thinking .

  19. 再次,从神仙观的视角为其养生实践提供可行性论证,葛洪具体论证了神仙实有和仙道可学。

    Again , Ge Hong from the immortal perspective view to provide feasibility verification for the health-preserving . Ge Hong is really concrete proof of the immortals and immortality can learn both .

  20. 与孔子相比,葛洪要求对礼的变革更为深刻,不仅从政治角度出发,还涉及到经济的视角,这是比较先进的。

    Compared with Confucius , Li Ge Hong require more profound changes , not only from a political point of view , but also to the economic perspective , which is more advanced .

  21. 若从道教的发展来看,葛洪首先从理论上去证明神仙的存在,虽然也有疏漏,但功不可没。

    From the point of the development of Taoism . Ge hong firstly had a efforts to prove to the ture of fairy in the theory . Though there are omissions , the achievement was not small .

  22. 但遗憾的是经历了社会的动荡和变迁,《神仙传》一书并没有完整的保留下来,今天我们所能看到的版本早已不是葛洪当年所撰的版本。

    It is regrettable that experienced social unrest and change , Supernatural Biography , a book does not have a retained , Today we no longer can see the version of the version written by Ge Hong year .

  23. 2001年获得美国拉克斯奖后,屠呦呦说她和她的团队受葛洪理论的启发,解决了从黄花蒿中提取青蒿素的谜题。

    After winning the Lasker Award in the United States in 2011 , Tu said she and her team were inspired by Ge 's theory to solve the puzzle in extracting artemisinin from the herb Artemisia annual , also known as sweet wormwood .

  24. 葛洪也说神具有更高的地位,但他的论证是指向神仙的,服食、行气等等,皆为了长生不死,而金丹更是至高无上。神仙作为一媒介,将嵇康与葛洪连在了一起。

    Ge hong also thought spirit had more important position , but his argument purpose was the fairy . In his mind , medication and Qi were for the sake of longevity , however , Dan medicine was the most important Fairy was a medium , connecting their thoughts .