
  • 网络jingchu culture
  1. 使荆楚文化能为更多人所熟识与了解。

    The Jingchu culture for more people to know and understand .

  2. 中国现代作家在用身心解读荆楚文化经典的过程中,不断挖掘出传统文化中的深层内蕴;

    In the process of attentively reading the classic Jingchu culture , the modern Chinese writers are continuously cultivating the deep implication of the traditional culture .

  3. 荆门的荆楚文化遗产及其保护和利用

    Protection and Exploitation of Jingchu Cultural Relics in Jingmen

  4. 浪漫奇谲:《女神》与荆楚文化审美价值的趋同

    Romantic Splendor : Convergence of Goddess and Aesthetic Value of the Chu Culture

  5. 中国现代作家的荆楚文化情结

    Tie of Jingchu Culture of Modern Chinese Writers

  6. 论荆楚文化的基本精神及其特点

    Jing-Chu Culture : Essential Spirit and Features

  7. 荆楚文化历史悠久、源远流长。

    Chu culture has a long history .

  8. 火历新探&对荆楚文化和原始宗教信仰的思想史研究

    New Research on Fire - Calendar

  9. 荆楚文化是加强湖北省未成年人思想道德建设的宝贵财富。

    " Jing Chu " culture is a precious treasure to enhance teenagers ideological and ethical construction in Hubei province .

  10. 借此设计案例,进行民族传统文化、荆楚文化与现代设计和谐融合的有益探索。

    So , the author want to explore the convenience of amalgamation of the national culture and Jingchu ' and modern design .

  11. 鄂南桃花山地方文化是荆楚文化的一部分,亦与邻近的湖湘文化关系密切。

    Peach Hill local culture of southern Hubei is part of Jingchou Culture , and is also closely related to Huxiang Culture .

  12. 浩瀚的长江从此奔流而过,浇沃千年,孕育了海纳百川、多元多姿的荆楚文化。

    Vast Yangtze River henceforth flows rapidly , waters the millennium , has bred Hiner hundred Sichuan , the multi-dimensional varied Jingchu cultures .

  13. 荆楚文化的这些创新特质,既是弥足珍贵的历史积淀,又不乏时代价值和意义。

    The culture of these innovative trait , is a precious historical accumulation , and there is no lack of time value and significance .

  14. 文化觅母:对荆楚文化的精神体认与审美趋同&沈从文小说与传统文化研究之一

    The origin of culture : Jingchu culture spiritual approvals and aesthetic trend & One of the studies of Shen Congwen ′ s novel and traditional culture

  15. 从文化建设与发展的角度看,荆楚文化与三峡文化的开发具有突出的价值,值得深入研究,着力进行。

    As a result , from the perspective of culture construction and development , the exploitation of Jingchu and Three Gorges Cultures are endowed with outstanding values , deserving in-depth researches .

  16. 通过以上分析,本文认为:(一)江汉平原武术拳种历史悠久,种类繁多,在其发展的过程中深受荆楚文化的影响。

    According to the analysis , we can infer that the boxing in Jianghan plains has a long history with numerous types and it is deeply affected by the Jingchu culture .

  17. 湖北省是中国南方荆楚文化的代表,物质旅游文化可以农神、丝神、茶神、医圣为代表进行强省定位;

    Hubei province is the representative of Jin and Chu culture in South China . The God of Agriculture , Silk and Tea and the Emperor of Medicine can represent material tourism culture ;

  18. 荆楚文化和吴越文化对姑蔑文化具有重大影响,姑蔑文化是华夏先进文化与当地土著文化融合的产物。

    The cultures of Jingchu Wu and Yue produced tremendous influences on Gumie culture , which was the result of the integration of the advanced Chinese culture in central China and the native culture .

  19. 摘要三峡文化是荆楚文化与巴人文化相互碰撞、融合,并在三峡地带土著居民原始文化的基础上,形成的一种多元的、具有自己个性特色的独特的文化形态。

    Based on the collision and fusion of Jingchu and BA cultures , and the primeval culture foundation of aboriginal in Three Gorges zone , Three Gorges culture is a unique culture modality featured with distinctive characteristics .

  20. 一个民族对某种纹饰的信仰和崇拜正是这个民族文化背景、地域文化的最好反映,所以荆楚文化下的龙凤图形纹饰也就是楚人所创造的荆楚文化的最好反映之一。

    The belief and worship of a nation on some kind of ornamentation is the best reflection of the national culture , so dragon and phoenix graphic ornamentation under the Chu culture is one of the best reflections of the Chu culture .

  21. 对荆楚文化的研究既是对中国浓重深厚的传统文化的深入了解,也可以更好的向世界展示我们伟大祖国的文化瑰宝,让世界更加的了解中国,了解中国文化。

    Studies on the Chu culture no only can give us a deep understanding of the Chinese traditional culture ; but also can show the cultural treasures of our great motherland to the world , to make the world better understand China and Chinese culture .

  22. 荆楚饮食文化具有鲜明的地域特色和巨大的经济开发价值。

    The Jingchu dietary culture has a distinct regional characteristics and great economic values .

  23. 武昌火车站建筑设计&荆楚地域文化的浓郁体现

    The Design of Wuchang Railway Station Building & The Strong Reflection of Jing Chu Regional Culture

  24. 本文对荆楚饮食文化的起源及其特色、近现代中西饮食文化交流中的武汉饮食市场、荆楚小吃的地方特色与文化特色等做了探讨,由此反映出荆楚饮食文化兼容并包的包容性。

    This paper introduces the origin and characteristics of Jingchu dietary culture , the dietary market of Wuhan and Jingchu snack , which demonstrates compatibility and open-mindedness of the Jingchu dietary culture .

  25. 论中秋节祭拜月亮习俗及其与荆楚地域文化的关系一年办一摆今年第六摆耶台大艺术祭今阿日开幕,五月初一开始归月日。

    The Relation between the Custom of the Moon Sacrifice on Mid-Autumn Day and the Regional Culture in Jingchu ; NTU Art Festival kicks off its 6th season today for the month of May .

  26. 荆楚歌谣的地域文化特色略论

    Regional Culture Characteristics of Jingchu Ballad

  27. 通过对荆楚龙凤图形纹饰的时期和地域演变规律的总结分析,可以对荆楚龙凤图形纹饰做一个整体的把握,也可以对荆楚文化有一个更深的了解。

    Through the summary and analysis of the periodical and geographical law of evolution of the dragon and phoenix graphics , the author can gain a global view and deeper understanding of the dragon and phoenix graphic ornamentations .