
  1. 学习《弟子规》,让我们认识中华思维传统。

    Studying Di Zi Gui enables us to learn about the Chinese intellectual heritage .

  2. 《弟子规》把这传统思想和哲学的很大一部分精简地总结。

    Di Zi Gui is a succinct summary of much of that traditional thought and philosophy .

  3. 学习《弟子规》原文,让我们能够亲耳听到祖先们的声音。

    By studying the original text of Di Zi Gui we can hear our ancestors'own voices .

  4. 因此,读《弟子规》重在领会精神,不能咬文嚼字。

    Therefore , read the " Rules " focuses on understanding the spirit , can not quibble .

  5. 与此同时,《弟子规》的成书也与清代特殊的时代背景密切相关。

    At the same time , its formation is related closely to the background of Qing Dynasty .

  6. 《弟子规》教导的信条、价值和准则今天仍然合适我们。

    The precepts , values , and norms taught in Di Zi Gui are still suitable for us today .

  7. 在《弟子规》这本书中,我学到了很多东西,也增进了对许多事物的理解。

    In the " disciples rules " in this book , I learned a lot , but also improves the understanding of many things .

  8. 学习《弟子规》的第二个理由是,正如上文所说过,这样做会帮助我们过一个快乐和成功的人生。

    The second reason for studying Di Zi Gui is that , as previous mentioned , doing so will help us live a happy and successful life .

  9. 《弟子规》是旧时中国用来把幼年人教育成为君子的,而现在我们可以用来认识中华传统思想。

    Used in traditional China for raising young people into gentlemen , today Di Zi Gui offers a good introduction to the world of traditional Chinese thought .

  10. 活动前参加了四天培训,培训内容为学习《弟子规》,关于中华传统礼仪规范的一本书。

    I took a4-day training program before the activity and it was mainly about learning Standards for Students , a book about codes of traditional Chinese etiquette .

  11. 《弟子规》的「凡取与,贵分晓」是一个非常重要的座右铭。

    Di Zi Gui 's " when taking or giving , making the terms clear is most important " is a very important piece of sound advice .

  12. 近年来中国国内《弟子规》有小型的局部复出,主要是教给小儿童。

    There is in the last few years a small revival of sorts inside China of Di Zi Gui , consisting mainly of teaching it to young children .

  13. 为了帮助人们阅读原著,我们把《弟子规》翻译为白话文和英语,在本网站刊登。

    Therefore , to help with accessing the original , we 've translated Di Zi Gui into plain vernacular ( modern day spoken ) Chinese and English on this website .

  14. 《弟子规》为接触中华传统思想体系提供一瞥,能够很大地帮助解决接触中华思维传统的需要。

    By providing a useful glimpse into the world of traditional Chinese thought , studying Di Zi Gui can greatly help meet the need for exposure to the Chinese intellectual heritage .

  15. 在引导我们子女树立科学核心价值观的过程中,应充分汲取《弟子规》中的思想精华,发挥传统文化的强大感召力。

    In the process to establish the scientific core values to guide our children should learn from the ideological essence of the " Rules " to play the powerful appeal of the traditional culture .

  16. 这是因为《弟子规》所教导的规范和道德,是放之于四海而皆准的,而这些规范和道德又不是基于某一个宗教的,因而可以跟任何宗教相容。

    That is because the moral precepts and standards taught in Di Zi Gui are universally applicable and , since they are not based on any particular religious doctrine , are compatible with any religion .

  17. 在当前的传统文化热中,蒙学教材《弟子规》作为国学读本走进了家庭、学校、甚至是企业之中,日益受到了当前社会上和学术界的追捧和重视。

    In the current enthusiasm for the traditional culture , the teaching material for enlighten & 《 Standards for Student 》, as one sinology book has entered families , schools , even enterprises . It has been increasingly pursuit and valued by the society and academia .