
  • 网络Self-management import and export power
  1. 公司具有自营进出口权,并已通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证和CE认证。

    The company has self-operation Export and Import Right , And has already passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification and CE certification .

  2. 公司拥有自营进出口权,已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证及ISO14001国际环境体系认证;

    Our company has the right to Export-Import , having passed ISO9001 international quality system certification and ISO14001 international environment system certification .

  3. 拥有自营进出口权,严格按照ISO9001-2000国际质量管理体系运行。

    It works strictly according to ISO9001-2000 word-wide quality management system and obtained the import and export authority .

  4. 企业是安徽省电器行业最早通过ISO9001认证的厂家之一,具有自营进出口权。

    In addition , the company is one of the electric appliance enterprises of Anhui who first pass ISO9001 certification , and enjoys the self-management right of import and export .

  5. 公司在1998年顺利通过了长城质量保证中心ISO9001质量体系认证,获得自营进出口权;

    The company has successfully passed the certification of the ISO9001 Quality Management System by China Great Wall Quality Assurance Center in1998 , and won the self-support import & export right ;

  6. 公司长期与国内外大型企业,重点工程配套并有自营进出口权。

    The corporation has established staid cooperation with some big enterprise at home and abroad .

  7. 我公司拥有自营进出口权,每年实现出口创汇数千万美元。

    It owns the import and export rights and could earn foreign exchange several tens of millions US dollars annually .

  8. 商家借助于明星的人格魅力,来为自己的商品确立好的形象。我公司是具有独立法人资格的经济实体,拥有自营进出口权。

    In virtue of stars ' personal - ity charm , the business enterprises set up good images for their own products .

  9. 贸易公司可以拥有自营进出口权,可以直接从国内采购产品,并将产品自己出口到国外;

    The WFOE trading company has export and import rights , can buy goods in china and sell goods to the others country directly .

  10. 上海浦东亦华国际贸易有限公司是一家股份制企业,拥有自营进出口权。

    Shanghai Pudong Link World Internaional Trading Co , . Ltd is a stock company , which have the right of import and export .

  11. 公司拥有自营进出口权,我们秉着高品质的产品和优质的服务,真诚希望与国内外客户携手共进!

    The company has import and export rights , we Bingzhao high-quality products and quality services , sincerely hope to work together with customers !

  12. 拥有自营进出口权,产品远销东南亚、中东、南美、东欧及欧美等国家和地区。

    We own the import and export rights ourselves , and our products have sold all over the world , obtained popular praise from customers .

  13. 同时,公司拥有自营进出口权,先进的机器设备,经验丰富的技术人员,现代的管理模式以及雄厚的资金实力。

    Meanwhile we have the authority of import and export , the advanced equipments , experienced technicians , up-to-date management model and rich fund actual strength .

  14. 公司具有“自营进出口权”,主要从事“DMP-水产品保鲜剂”系列产品、水产养殖保健系列产品的科研、生产和销售。

    The company mainly engaged on researching , manufacturing and selling of seafood preservative agent series products , and we have I / E autonomous right .

  15. 飞鹰刺绣机具有先进的工艺和检测设备、厚的技术力量和优良素质的职工队伍,拥有自营进出口权。

    The corporation has the advanced technics and detect equipments , abundant technical power , very moral employees and the self-support rights to import and export .

  16. 公司拥有自营进出口权,贸易方式多样,包括人民币一般贸易、美金保税贸易、转口贸易。

    We have the right of import and export , and have many different trade modes , including RMB trade , U.S.free trade and entrepot trade .

  17. 我们建立了独立的和比较完整的国民经济体系,经济实力和综合国力显著增强。我公司是具有独立法人资格的经济实体,拥有自营进出口权。

    We have built an independent and relatively complete national economic system , with our economic power and comprehensive national strength enhanced markedly . Yantai Development Zone Victor Industrial Co.

  18. 公司拥有自营进出口权,具有为用户提供整船电气设计、制造、调试服务的能力,成为专业船舶配套厂家之一。

    We have export and import rights , possess the ability of providing ship electrical design , manufacture and debug service , which makes Fengde a professional marine mating manufacturer .

  19. 是国内绒毛行业最早拥有自营进出口权和驼绒出口量最大的企业之一,产品90%出口。

    We are one of the largest and the earliest enterprise of having the right to Import and Export Enterprises , and the quantity of export is the largest in domestic .

  20. 我公司是具有独立法人资格的经济实体,拥有自营进出口权。一人公司是指公司的股份或出资全部归属于单一股东(自然人或法人)的公司。

    Yantai Development Zone Victor Industrial Co. One member company is one that all the stocks or the assets are held by a sole stockholder ( natural person or legal person ) .

  21. 公司集产、供、销为一体,进行多种形式、多种层次的经营活动,具有独立法人资格和自营进出口权。

    Anfa who owns the right to do import and export business , has the qualification of independent legal person , and is engaged in the activities of manufacturing , supplying and selling .

  22. 本公司是一家私营独资企业,有自营进出口权,主产品以针织绒套装、短裤、休闲针织等为主。

    This company is a private-run exclusive-investment enterprises with the right to do import and export by itself , main products including knitted flannel suits , short pants , and leisure knitting goods .

  23. 经营范围:服装及面料的加工、经销、代理销售韩国女装面料现货,拥有自营进出口权。

    Range of business : Processing and selling of the clothing and fabric , sell the Korean apparel ( women ) and fabric ( merchandise on hand ) as agent , and have power of marketing own products , imports and exports .

  24. 企业拥有自营进出口经营权,可直接与外商开展贸易。

    We have the license to run lmp . & Exp. Business directly with any country .

  25. 宁波象山县对外贸易有限公司是经国家批准,享有自营进出口经营权的专业公司。

    Approved by the State , Ningbo Xiangshan Foreign Trade Co. , Ltd. is a comprehensive foreign trade company with the right of import and export .

  26. 以真空阀门、真空泵及真空法兰连接件三大类为主导产品,拥有自营进出口经营权和十多项自主研发的专利产品。

    Vacuum valves , vacuum pumps and vacuum flange connections are the three leading products , we possess import-export operations , and more than ten self-developed patent products .

  27. 其所属上海朗特机电设备有限公司具有国家自营进出口经营权,主营机电产品的进出口贸易和国内贸易业务,且为上海对外经济贸易协会成员单位。

    The subsidiary , Shanghai Longtime Mechanical ; Eletrical Equipment Comppany has acquired the national I ; E rights , and is one member of Shanghai Foreign Economic and Trade Association .

  28. 我公司是中国食品土畜进出口商会蜂产品分会会员,享有自营进出口经营权。

    Our company is a member of Bee 's Products Branch in foodstuff and native and livestock products import and export chamber of commerce , holding self-supporting import and export working right .

  29. 本公司拥有自营进出口经营权,设有国际贸易部,财务部,对俄贸易部和生产部;包括硝染车间,裁制车间,配置车间,缝制车间,吊制车间。

    Hebei hengxing has its own right of export & import and has set up its international department , Russian department and factory including Dying , clipping , confecting , sewing and trimming workshops .

  30. 中国复材享有自营进出口和代理出口权。现有多家控股公司和参股公司。

    The Corporation is entitled to conduct import and export and it possesses several holding companies and is the shareholder of some other companies as wel .