
zì yóu wù pǐn
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  1. 天然林资源是经济物品,而非自由物品;天然林资源具有既可以提供公共物品又可以提供私人物品的两重性;

    The natural forest resources is an economic goods , rather than free goods , and it can provide the public goods and private goods for society .

  2. 除了避税之外,选择在自由港存储物品的收藏家和交易商还有更多普通的理由。

    Collectors and dealers choose to store art in the free ports for more pedestrian reasons than tax avoidance .

  3. ·该输送带可以从较大的倾斜角度运输谷物、子、子等能自由流淌的物品。

    This belt is suitable for free-flowing material like grain , sand , gravel , and packaged goods at high inclination angles .

  4. 国家禁止自由买卖的物品,交有关单位按照国家规定的价格收购。

    Articles which are prohibited from free trading by the State shall be delivered to and purchased by the relevant units at the price fixed by the State .

  5. 那些处于底层的丫鬟奴仆过着非人的生活,她们没有任何自由,像物品一样被有钱人赠送买卖。

    Those in the bottom of the Yahuan slaves lived in subhuman life , they do not have any freedom , the same as items donated by the wealthy trading .

  6. 第三部分着重从稀缺性的角度对信用问题进行分析,首先考证了信用从自由取用物品到经济物品的过程,然后从实验心理学的角度分析信用成为经济物品后如何随利益而发生变化的。

    The third section analyses emphatically credit question from rare angle and does textual research to the process from free goods to economic goods at frist , then analyses the change of credit with interest after turning into economic goods in terms of experimental psychology .